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TechDragon's Home Page

Hello Visitors.
Welcome to My Home Page

My name is Benjamin Jordan, and I will be your host for the short time your here.

I created this web page to explain a little bit about myself, and to showcase my talents.
Please take your time and look around.

I think people expect the very best from a person in the computer technology field,
and that's what I try and give them; the very best I possibly can!

Home Resume Art Work Awards

If you have any questions or comments about my site, you can E-mail me at:


The song Long Black Train was written and sung by Josh Turner.
The version you here on this web page is my Acappella version of the song.

I'd like to thank animation arthouse and Lisa Konrad for the use of their wonderful jpg's and gif's.
It's a great place to find free jpg's and gif's.