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Belegcu Celebranqi


Personal History: Bel was born outside a small town near the port city of Grashen, to Irving Celebranqi, a dwarven mercenary, and Annolhe, a mysterous golden haired elven Druid. After a few days the young elf showed signs of pregnancy and after three weeks the baby was born. Irving was baffeled on how an elf and dwarf could concieve, but none the less the child was born. After Bels second year Annolhe disappeared.

Though the young boy often enquired about his lost mother Irving was reluctant to say a word about the mystical woman. Even with thier frequent arguments about the boys heritage and odd apperance, the two lived happily for twelve years. Though the thirteenth year tragedy struck.

Belengcu was choping wood for fire when he heard a rukus on a nearby highway, he immidetly embarked to investigate. From his vantage piont in a tree he watched his father stand before a caravan of cloaked men in shackels. The overseer quickly dispatched the boys father with a strike from a blade coated with what is now know as Phase Spider piosen. The overseer spoted Bel and pulled him from the tree. The boy fell his head strikeing a root.

After the boy woke he found himself part of the slave caravan. He traveled with them for three more years until sold to a human lord as hard labor slave. For the lord he assisted in the building and planning in three keeps a palace, then dispite all of Bels loyalty and hardwork he was sold to a colony of drow were he worked as a house slave for a Matron Mother of the house Rikarslal. After a battel that called for the entire colonies participation the Mother demanded the boy to give her a back massage, his natural skill with the hands was uncanny. But as mother nature trades her golden gown of Autumn for the silvery gown of winter he was traded with a passing slave caravan.

The caravan was bound for the south to a city known as Dero. Dero was a peacful city ruled by a mild tempered Sultan, who bought him. The young man worked as a body gaurd for the sultans herim, untill his with his hands was observed. For twenty years, the boy turned man, worked as a bodygaurd and masseur for the herim. Ther as well as servicing the ladies he honed his arts of the hand, learning all there was to know about massage pressure pionts the powers of different aromas other herbal secrets.

The in the men in the Palace hated him because the ladies loved him, somthing that nearly got him killed more than his fair share of times. But the Sultan hit hard times and slowly sold slaves. In fear of Bels chance of getting a poor home one of the herim girls showed him a secret passage that they often used to get out of the Palace after Bel had gone to sleep.

Bel left his desert home three days before it was destroyed by a kingdom of lizard men. Bel traveld for twenty years almost completely isolated from all contact. He's been traveling since, collecting rare treasures using his skills as a Hand Healer to earn money or as a rouge to attain in in more illegal ways.

But thats not his entire story. He has events past that even he does not know about. The reason the skilled young man was sold from drow slavery is that a drow priestess had told the Matron Mother of an odd power that was seen in Bel, a power that if unlocked could destroy the House that he was enslaved by. This power was derived from Bel's mother. The Lady Elhonna, goddess of the elves.

Special abilities: Besides the dwarven and elven racial abilities Bel has the abbilities from his classes.

Hand Healer- No Hand Healer abilities can be used on himself

1:5 times a day he can heals a D12 of damage through massage.

2:3 times a day he can remove piosen through massage

3:2 times a day he can remove paralisis through massage

4: at will he can heal a d12 of subdual damage per hour of massage

If placed under enough stress(GMs disgression) Bel will start to trigger the divine abbilities inside of him. Bel knows of none of these abbilities

1: 3d6 holy damage ten foot radius 2:Stone Skin(as cast by equal level Druid) 3:Healing Circle(as cast by equal level cleric) In his travels hes gained magicaly benifical items: Soul Wisper(+3 short sword of gjost touch and flameing burst) Mithril Chain Shirt(+1 glamered) Elven Long Bow(+1) Murlynds Spoon(creates a highly nutrisios gruel to feed four people daily) Glove of Storeing(stores a hand held item under 20lbs) Wings Of Flying(Rock Feather Cloak that becomes set of wings allows wielder to fly as spell) Quiver of Ehlonna(stores 80 arrows 18 spear sized objects and 6bow sized objects) Ring of Pertection+4 Belegcu's stats are: Str16 Dex19 Con19 Int17 Wis18 Cha15 Ac22 Hp52
