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When the Fates get bored, They amuse Theirselves

Age: 82 (looks 20)

Being born the night the Rawn tree (witch tree) fell should have been a sign of things to come. Her mother sliding into the inky blackness of death, should have been another. She was sent to live with Aunt and Uncle at that tender young age. As she grew, Anula learned a hard lesson from her adopted brother and sister, Rochelle & Mikhail. The two saw it their place to make sure Anula knew she was different. Once while hiding from Mikhail she found a chest ing the attic. In it was a book and ivory hair clasp. The book turned out to be her mothers Journal. And as she read it she found out who her father was. After the age of 16 she left her aunt and uncle's house in search of her father. She found him after two years of searching. Angelo Christoff was his name and he looked only be younger than his true age, Anula had to wonder about this. Once he was a great hunter, a hunter of Vampires. And he'd found a way to keep himself young. He used an ancient Vampires blood to to prolong his life, not quite turning himself, but cheating god for an extension on his life. She'd stumbled upon the ancient whos blood her father was using. He look like a corpse and the smell was enough to make you sick. His name was Lucian Vorcourt and her father bleed, and barely feed him to keep him weak. Metal shackles kept him linked to the wall. The poor man could barely lift his hand. She couldn't stay away, she felt drawn to him. He talked to her told her of his life and she began to understand that her father wasn't quite as mad as she thought. The man before was infact a Vampire. And her father was slowly killing him, tormenting him. She began to find ways to feed him. Blood from a slaughter cow, a live rat from the barn. But, each time anula took him food she felt funny. Her canine teeth throbbed as she watched him and she felt the need to join him in his feast. It was Lucian that figured out her problem. With the taking of Lucian's blood it was forever in her father, and her father passed it to her. She was a half breed. Half Human, Half Vampire. At first she didn't want to believe, but it all made since. She confronted her father and ripped the key to the shackles from around his neck. He roared with anger at his daughter turning on him. He'd smacked her in the face breaking the skin near the corner of her mouth. It was then, as the blood trickled over her tongue that her teeth shot out and she bared them at her father. The fear that crossed his face was unmistakable. "You let that beast feed from you, turn you?" He'd accused. "No, Father, this is the legacy you gave me." and she watched as the truth hit home. He hadn't realized what using the blood of a vampire would do to himself, muchless an offspring. Turning over every oil lamp in anger as she made her way through the house. She freed Lucian and fleed with him. And her new life began.
