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Wednesday, 11 August 2004
One more day untile school i hate that
i wish i was done with school but we
cant have eveything we want but screw

Posted by dragon2/a_dracis at 2:28 PM PDT
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Saturday, 3 July 2004
the guild

this message is about the guild
that i have joined Mystic Mountain
Wolf Pack it is pretty cool
hey Brittany O

Posted by dragon2/a_dracis at 11:28 AM PDT
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Monday, 7 June 2004
computer crashed

i was unable to update the site
becuse of the power supply burnt
out i fixed it and now i am able
to update the site

Posted by dragon2/a_dracis at 10:33 AM PDT
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Monday, 17 May 2004
Some links on my site maybe
down so deal k

Posted by dragon2/a_dracis at 1:18 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 11 May 2004

hey everyone today we took
the science pact test and
boy they need to make up
their minds about the time
scedual becuse it was messed
up but it is all good i guess

A new link to a friends site
some more pics in pics 2

Posted by dragon2/a_dracis at 3:33 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 5 May 2004

This has been a long time since
i last put up a message. but
now we are now taking pact and
it is boaring. three houres in
one room that bites a lot. for
me it is four and a half hours.that
sucks so muchbut it is i guess
all good

Posted by dragon2/a_dracis at 4:15 PM PDT
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Saturday, 1 May 2004
Today is kinda of a good day
the reson is that is a saturday
we dont have school witch is a
good thing. Today i am home and
going to add a lot to my site
Come check out the pics of me
and my friends, and Soon to come
instant polls on the site

Posted by dragon2/a_dracis at 9:50 AM PDT
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Friday, 30 April 2004

This is my site and i have two new
links and you have to come and check
them out, they are pictures of me and
my friends.
The only people that view my site are
my friends and me so no one else should
be looking at this site, if you are not a
friend then get off.

Posted by dragon2/a_dracis at 7:15 PM PDT
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Thursday, 29 April 2004

Today is april 29 and it is a good day so far
today is another episode of friends and only
3 episodes left.
Roy, Micheal, Blair, Pamela, and Trey

Posted by dragon2/a_dracis at 2:28 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 28 April 2004
Hey everyone
whats up

today lots of people visit my web site
i just wanted to say hi to all my friends
hey Pamela (Pam pam) Micheal, Julie, Roy,and

If anyone needs to reach me
i am on aim AlexS0125

Posted by dragon2/a_dracis at 2:51 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 28 April 2004 2:55 PM PDT
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