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JR: Tonight we have a rematch from last week with 187 taking on Vixen for the us title and thats not all folks we have many more great matchs
King: we are out front of 187's door (knock knock)
187:Come in what do you want king i'm busy getting ready for my match
King: Ok 187 you heard what vixen had to say about you what do you have to say to her and how do you feel about your title match this week?
187: well king vixen thinks that she is some crazy person well she hasnt seen crazy yet and about what she said about me being a rookie well thats a lie i was here in the XCWA before and this match is for the us title and if vixen thinks she can just get what she wants will shes DEAD WRONG and i know that for sure
King: Last week vixen also said that you have an ego what do you think and what do you think of her saying that you think your superman ?
187: Well as far as her saying i'm superman thats all in her head and the ego part well who doesnt have one and all vixen is all talk thats all she does shes nothing but a little talker and i will shut her up for once and all
King: Last week you had some words with Randy and what was all that about??
187: Well that was becasue of what happend in the ring and thats nothing about this week and i will take vixen to her end and show her that i am no rookie