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Super Saiyans

Super Saiyan Level 1:

In order to use this Ability you must have a power level of 150.000.Once you hit the pl of 150.000 your automatically a ssj1. This ability increases your pl and attack power by 300.000. Your phisical attacks do 500 damage. This ability takes up 400 of your ki and last up to 50 attacks and your technique attacks are doubled by 2 (example - kamehameha wave is a technique attack)

Ultra Super Saiyan: (USS)

You have to have a power level of 175.000 to use this ability. you have to train in the hyperbolic time chamber for two weeks to learn this Ability. increases you pl by 350.000 and takes up 200 ki and increases your ki by 400. This ability last up to 75 attacks and increases your technique attacks by 5. this ability deals 700 damage to hp.

Super Saiyan Level 2:

In order to use this aability you must have 200.000 pl and increases your pl by 500.000 and this ability deals 800 damage to hp and increases your ki by 300 and your technique atacks are doubled by 4 . This ability last up to 70 attacks. must have uss (ultra super saiyan)

Super Saiyan Level 3:

You must have a power level of 300.000 to use this ability. This ability increases your pl by 700.000 and deals 1,000 damage and takes up 800 ki and increaes your ki by 500 and doubles your technique attacks by 10. This ability last for 90 attacks. must have uss

Super Saiyan Level 4:

Your pl must be 900.000 to use this ability. This abiilty increases your pl bye 1.000.000 and deals 5.000 phisycle hits and x5 of technique abilities and increases your hp/ki by 3.000 this ability last 200 attacks you must have Uss to use this ability (on the show you dont have to have USS but it makes it challenging. i guess...)