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Yasuhiko Balmung


I am Yasuhiko and I welcome you to my web page.

  • Name: Yasuhiko Balmung

  • Height: 3' 7"

  • Weight: 85 lbs

  • Age: 7

  • Handedness: Ambidextrous

  • Hair colour: Purple

  • Eye colour: Wight

  • Nationality: Unknown

  • Skin colour: Dark Peach

  • Star sign: Aries

  • Birth date: March, 19

  • Place of birth: Unknown

  • Main wep.: Staff

  • Alt. wep.: Fang daggers, Short sword

  • Occupation: Twin Blader/ Apprentice Wavemaster


Wep. Description:

Staff: A mystical staff used for casting magic. Yasuhiko can't remember when he got this staff.

Fang daggers: These daggers are made from to two 6" lizard fangs and 4" wrapped leather handles. Fang daggers are mainly meant for stabbing but mine are sharpened down the side. Yasuhiko can't remember when he got these daggers ether.

Short sword: An average short sword. Yasuhiko can't remember when he got these short sword ether.