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Phanat Xiong

Wanna Know about me? My name is Phanat Xiong. When I was in the 6th grade me and some of my friends started a gang call CNB (Crips New Boyz) but later on we were call the Crips Never Boyz. There were only three of us at that time. We didn't do drugs or got in any fights. When I reached 7th grade the gang split up. No one claimed the name anymore. I then started the 7WC ( Seven Wu-Chuns). Well the gang didn't really do anything at that point cause there were only a few of us. Sure we got into fights but nothing much. When 8th grade came was when the 7WC really began. I was the shotcalla. Me and my G's didn't do nothing much. We only jumped one person and some one on one fights out of the hold school years. We began robbing peoples and jacking up the school. My first major robbing was in 8th when I broked into house down at southside Oroville and stolen over 200 dollars. Then later on I dropped the 7WC and joined the AK (Asian Knights). We fought some other rival asian or I fought. After leaving the AK I joined the AC (Asian Crips). Now I have many enemies and they want me dead. I have ever been in jail or been locked up before. I claim to be a good boy. I am now claiming Ssj (Super Saiya-jins). I not a gang banger anymore....right now I am having a good life. I wish I can go back in time and redo everything that I done that was bad. I am in the 9th now. I only been in one fight this year.