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Welcome to my webpage. This is basically in my profile to have more space to write anything I feel like. But I was recently thinking, maybe I should just have some shouts to all my good pals and stuff, so I think that's what I will do. So enjoy!

Core~DEREK,MATT,E$,GUAD~Where would I be without you guys in my life guiding me straight. You guys are always there for me and even when we might have a drama or something, we all still come together as one and are always there for each other. I got your back like you got mine, thanks buds.

Danielle~Beyond the core, you are my best friend and I am always there for you. I know my feelings get in the way of our friendship sometimes, but you can't blame me for liking someone as pretty, great personality, and easy to get along with as you :). But you already knew that.

Kaitlyn: You're an awesome friend, one of my best. You're a great person and I hope you know that. Thanks for being there =).

Joleen~Ahh JO~JO, your such a good friend in so many ways. And yet you're the most confusing out of all my friends, lol. But I guess that's why you are Jo-Jo and that's why I like ya so much hehe :). Care bear stuff does rule and we thank Hot Topic for selling so much of it lol.

Jenna~Sup cousin? Hanging out with you brings so much clarity and fun-ness to everyone. You gotta chill more often so everyone will love you more, considering my friends love you more then me lol j/k. Keep it real in Melrose.

Brian(Bonesaw, BookerT.,Hunt) & Company~The fun times we share at the household of Hunt is one to cherish. It's a time where DDRMAX is used a ritual or a cult lol.

Jackie~TLB!!! sup? Your a really great person and you help out everyone. Thanks for being such a good friend.

Lauryn~Ahhh Lauryn is so funny at 3 am, lol. Well, hope you are having fun represented Saugus, God that seems wicked bad, lol.

Amy~I think you need to chill with us alot more. I never see you unless it's for five minutes, and it's not cool. I want Ames back!

Tara~Hey TK! Yeah, TK is my mommy, she is funny. She likes to play with guys and stuff and see how much she can ruin their lives, ok but seriously wicked cool chica ;)

Jenn~Thanks for always being there for me and listenin to me. Your a great person and you know it. Although people take you for granted, I hope I don't and I hope you know I care about you.

"To know the truth and what really is going on is a good thing. You have all these emotions build up, and you should know what is effecting in your life. But sometimes it is a very good sanctuary in knowing ignorance can be bliss."


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