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Your emails answered

The books in my life

I like it so it's on my site

Links worth looking at

About the author

Here it is, folks, the official web page of.... ME. For those who've been complaining since I took my last site down (it really was necessary, you know) and those who were upset when I disappeared in the middle of that series of articles, I'm BACK and ready to woo you with more inane bullshit that just amuses me.

Sadly, there are many people in this world who are afraid to think for themselves; to perhaps even hold, for just a brief, shining moment in time, an original thought. If you are one of those people, I will save you the trouble of wading through my site by going ahead and offending you now: You suck. Please refer to the disclaimer in red below.

I hope you enjoy the site, m'dears; it's been a long time in coming, and I appreciate your patience. If I've left out anything you want to see posted, just drop an email. Yeah, there's a little button for it at the bottom right corner of this page. If you can't figure out how to use it, then ummm... please don't email me.

This is STILL a work in progress. It's November 3rd, and I'm a little pissed off. It looks as though a good bit of work I put into the site some months back mysteriously vanished, so more than half the links were broken. With a grumble and a snarl, I've fixed what I've found so far. I don't know how long the linkage page has been inaccessible, but it's back up there where it belongs now.

I've updated the news as well. Not like I had anything to say, but there's still a pretty picture on that page and it's a really great page for the illiterate visitors to the site. If you're reading this to your illiterate friends, show them the pretty picture. o00oo0o0o, ahhhhh.

Still a billion and one things to be done with the site. As always, my pets, I'll get to it when I get to it. Rock on.....

Disclaimer: The contents of this site are not politically correct, nor are they particularly sweet & fluffy. If you can't cope, find a kinder, gentler site to visit. I'm sure you understand. If not, screw it; your understanding is not required.

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as of 051602
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