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Wildman55's Page

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Welcome to my page!  I am a professional singer and will eventually be using this website to promote my voice.  In the meantime, this will be a resource for the general public, and for those that know me in life or online. 

Here is an example of my voice; it's not that great of a recording and does not give the full impression of my voice, but it's certainly a start (song will rotate from time to time):  Handel's ""The People That Walked in Darkness" from Messiah (right click on this and choose "save target as", or it will play in your browser)

I will eventually create a CD out of the audio cassette recording of my senior recital; I can't wait because my senior recital came out 1000% better than what you can listen to here.  I am very proud of my voice and the recordings available on this site make my voice sound alot worse than it actually is.