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My World of Thoughts

My Favorite things

Well this is my attempt of making a website. I don't expect it to be glamorous but hopefully it'll turn out alright. I suppose the most common theme about personal websites is that people talk about themselves. But im not sure what to say about myself, cause I don't think that there's a whole lot to me. I mean I do have alot of friends and they're the best friends ever. But sometimes i wonder why?? I don't know, I guess they see something in me that I don't. I guess friendship is just one of those wierd mysteries of life. But aside from that, im 24 years old living in the northwest part of indiana and trying to figure out where I belong in this so called life. When people say that there more then corn in indiana.......well folks guess what........there isn't...... The reason why I know that is, is because I lived here my entire life. But I guess I can't complain to much, I could always be worse, but I still complain anyway :)

But I suppose one of things that I learned in this so called life is that it's not easy. Because something or someone is always gonna throw you a curve ball. For those of us who know how to play the game...... will be able to hit it. For those of us who don't......well......we just have to learn until we do.

Anyway enough about baseball, some other things that have been going through my mind are all the weird things that have been happening in the world lately. I mean it just seems to be a little bit more then random events. For example, on Feb. 1st the Space Shuttle Columbia and it crew of 7 were lost. Followed by fear and paranoia due to a possible terror attack on American soil. Then just last week 21 more lives were lost at a nightclub in Chicago, and then a couple days later, more then 50 lives were lost in Rhode Island after a pyrotechnic malfunction. As well as two fires at oil refineries in Whiting Indiana and in the New England area. I mean I know that the pages of American History are filled with turmoil and disasters, but I've never seen so much happen in such little time. It just makes me wonder what all this could mean and what may lie in the future.

Well it's been along while since I've last written anything on here. But I guess not a whole lot has changed since then. I mean were still on the brink of war. Sometimes I wonder where I stand on war. I'm sure some people think that there is no such thing as a middle of the road. Your either for it, or against it. Some people might think that people who oppose war are spinless cowards. But you know what, I don't think that they're cowards. I mean there are families who oppose war and yet their sons and daughters have been deployed. If anything I think that makes them more courageous, because they're sacrificing the ultimate sacrifice, their children. They understand that they have to do what they have to do. I know this because my friends son was deployed a few weeks ago. I think that one of the key factors of why people oppose war is because of the tremendous amount of lives that could be lost....on both sides of the border.... The American people are not the only one who hate Saddam. There are alot of innocent Iraqi people and children who opppose Saddam. I think that President Bush is the idiot of all idiots, because he just has that face of a mindless drone. But anyway aside from my own personal feelings about this war. The world is in danger and it needs to be protected. So my heart goes out to all the brave men and women who are behide enemy lines. I too have friends who are in the military. It's been a really really long time since we've spoken to one another and I don't know where in the world they could be. But where ever they are, I hope they're alright and that they come home safe.

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Stay tuned more is to come.

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In the mean time let me know your thoughts!!

My Favorite Web Sites

One of my favorite bands-BonJovi
My friends band-Josh Holmes Band
I didn't know Spike was in a band
A place that you never want to go-College