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Our Warhammer Journal

Our Favorite things about Warhammer


Well the new website is up but has almost nothing to do with warhammer at the moment but in 3 weeks time it should have all of the gallary pictures (not just orcs) and they should work along with 2-4 battle reports with pictures. so in 3 weeks time it will be exciting but until then you can see it at this web address: so check it out!
p.s. this is the second last post on this page the last will happen when the new website is realy up and running in 3 weeks, at the same time the first post of the new website will begin!


Well not many updates yet and we havent loaded that many pics so we have given up with angel fire and are starting from scratch. soon we will tell you the new web address where it will be alot better so until then just keep checking up and by the way we will have a few of our first battle reports soon maybe on the realise of the new website. will post new web address soon keep checking this page!


Well not much work for the last few days but eddy will come soon and more gallaries aswell (next is dark elves!) A battle report will also come but for now nothing keep checking.


We have new orc pictures and the picture gallary is now working, soon to come are the other armies. (Also will come the great eddy film insted of the skater)(eddy is a dog). Cool dragons huh.


This site is still unde rconstruction but we have great pics coming your way soon and more to come.

Orc picture gallary