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The Campaign Webpage

This is the website that all the players of the campaign can check up on information and everything. I'll work on it further when there is something more substantial to put on...

For right now, the information is as follows:
Characters Per Player: 3 maximum
Character Information: Each player's characters must have a history and a reason for all 3 characters to be together.

Name: Carrick
Race: Gnome
Class: Cleric

Carrick was born on the first of three days of eclipses. On that day, a shower of meteors rained down on the earth, destroying most of the civilizations above ground, leaving his home village under a mountain range unscathed. He was then said to be part of a propecy as one of Garl Glittergold's heralds. He was taken into the church, to become a cleric. He accelled in healing, and mastered some powers stemming from the earth. His training was finally complete, at age 50. Only two days later, he was drafted to be part of a healing squad in the war...and thus, he met Noj and Drek.

Name: Noj
Race: Gnome
Class: Cleric

Noj was born on the second of the days of eclipses, which was the day that the fires caused by the meteors raged out of control, destroying everything that the meteors didn't. His village, positioned at the foot of a volcano, recognized him as part of Garl's propecy and began training him immediately to be a cleric. He soon became one of the best healers in the village, and developed the power to light things on fire with his hands. The day after he turned 50, he was placed with Carrick and Drek in a healing squad for the upcoming war.

Name: Drek
Race: Gnome
Class: Cleric

Drek was born on the third and final day of eclipses, when the heavens unleashed a torrent of rain, quenching the fires, but also flooding and drowning most of the earth in it's wake. He lived in a village very near an underground waterfall and spring, so he was also very comfortable with water. He soon showed a passion for healing, and joined the local church, as part of the propecy. When he heard of the upcoming war, he volunteered to be a healer, and was stationed with Carrick and Noj on his fiftieth birthday.

Name: Drugo
Race: Draconic
Class: Fighter

One of the only ones of his race to have the good of the Brass dragons in his blood.Fed up with the evil of his race he decides to leave and seek a life somewhere else. He is shunned by the common races even though he tells them he is not of his people. The races join forces and search for him in an attempt to kill him. But he finds shelter in another outcast named Draltz. They live a good life with a freind named Langura, until one day they here of a war breaking out. They go to investigate and get into a world of trouble.

Name: Langura
Race: Lizardman
Class: Druid

Langura is a Lizardman that was a cheif among his tribe until an army of beasts came and trampled his tribe. 7 survived including himself and he gave up his position as cheif to his youngest brother. In a search to find out who was behind the slaughter of his tribe he is attacked by a troupe of humans and chased for 2 months until he met a Drow named Draltz.They quickly became freinds and lived a good life of traveling and adventureing ,but Langura never forgot his main objective, until they heard about a war that was starting in the area.When they went to investigate they got into a serious mess.

Name: Draltz
Race: Drow
Class: Ranger

Draltz was a twin at birth, which is rare in the Drow community. Even from birth his twin and himself were rivals and they would fued as young children about who was better at levitatingand who's orb was darker. But, when you put weopons in their hands and told them to fight it would be the most spectacular display of skill and passion to succeed that you would have to stop the fight because neither of them could touch the other.they went to the school of fighting and quickly surpassed the teachers. they soon their house soon became the most feared and respected in the Underdark. The twins still feuded but Draltz had a secret and a passion that his brother did not share. That passion was to be free of the torment of the Drow and free from killing when there was no need. His brother, Jerlz, told there mother of this dream that Draltz had in hopes to get him killed. But, Draltz was smarter than that and he fled the Underdark, and went to the surface. He stayed in hiding for many years after an unhappy event took place but he found two others like himself,a Draconian named Drugo and a Lizardman named Langura. Together they lived a happy year of traveling and adventureing until they heard of a war that was breaking loose in the area. Going to check it out and to see if they could stop it they get in thrown right in the middle of a battle and they don't know what to do about it.