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Enter At Your Own Risk

This page and all of it's contents represent my personal take on the world. They always represent one side of an issue, usually the side that stimulates my immagination most - not the side that is most important! It's like tarot (thus the theme): where the card may not describe the situation exactly - it instead describes the aspect of the situation that might otherwise be overlooked, and is important to the overall question. These pages are honest, but they are my extreme opinions, my most radical or theoretical insights into all which and who cross my path.

in short: do not be offended before you talk to me.

That said, I'm experimenting with ways people can talk to me:
if your mail server works (mine never does) try this -
What's your name?

Why are you here?

Do I know you?

What's your complaint, issue, comment etc?


if your mail server is shit like mine: my address is

jade dreams