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Well considering recent events my popularity level has gone through the roof...and then fell back to earth without a parachute. Due to these events, i am hated by ALL: (don't deny it) the Admins, Moderators, and members (with the exception of one). Due to this hatred I have decided for the sake of the forums, my sanity (whatever is left), and the anger that I can tell i building in every member each time they see me post, I will leave these forums. No need to kick me out because that would me you seem like the bad guy. Instead I will go quietly like everyone wants me to. I may vote in the tri-monthly, but even that is highly doubtful at this point. I'm am truly sorry with all my heart and soul about what I said to was meant as a stupid joke that got out of hand. I really did not think that he would go do something like that. I know that there is no excuse or forgiveness for what I did...and noone seems to care that i feel like shit for doing that (except for one person)...I might be on AIM from time to time if you want to flame me there...I know you all (with one exception) have an extreme level of hatred for me so don't deny last apologies, and most likely my last post on GT is


3ntropy: sorry for flaming was not BZKI's fault...I respect all the work that BZKI does and I respect most of the member...that Calvin banner was out of hand and made during a time of stupid rage...I hope BZKI can forgive me sometime...


HoS: I never was able to determine your thought pattern...I never know when you are screwing around or’re an interesting person to say the least


DK: sorry for any pain, suffering, hardship, emotional distress, or worrying I caused you.


Prowler: I know you and Ryp are close...when you PMd me I was only try to explain that i was sorry and would accept any punushment i had coming...


Rypkord: words alone cannot describe how sorry i truly am...I never though it would escalate to this...everything I said I did not truly mean, and I’m very glad to see you are alright...and back to your old self


All other members: sorry for any trouble I caused...this is a good forums network, the best I have seen to date, and I hope it stays this way...


Please post your thoughts below, your rants, raves, and how much I have screwed up this forum network.