Welcome to my site.  This is where you learn about me...actually you really don't.  you just find out what I'm into and crap like that.  If you want to know about me, than visit the about me section.  if you are really desperate, or just looking for a good read, or just want to get inside my head, then head on over to the lyrics section.  If you want to see my pic of the month, then just go to the pic of the month section.  Or if you really have no life and want to know what I did with this site so far, go to the updates section. NEW:::or you can go to the useless info page and learn the most useless things about me. Comments, Criticism, or Complements, E-mail me: Rocky19961997@msn.com (subject CCC) or IM me on my current SN: FvJayTLoZOs

 All-in-all, Enjoy. 


     "Enjoy"- Me

Last Update:

July 10: New Freddy Vs. Jason "Theme" For the main page

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