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Rare among subterranean drow cities, Sshamath is ruled by male wizards, with the female clerics of Lolth taking lesser roles. This community under the Far Hills is the preeminent Underdark market for magic items. Considered as a strong trading partner by other cities, Sshamath is well protected by warrior-wizerds.

The drow males gained ascendancy through successive generations of predominantly male births, decreasing the number of drow matrons and their power over the city. Its permenant and artistic faerie fire-like lights on the walls are unusual for an Underdark realm but make it conveninent for surface visitors who lack darkvision. Slaves make up a fourth of the population, and visitors from other realms, undead servants, and conjured creatures bring the usual head count to sixty thousand. Anyone with skill at wizardry or sorcery is welcome to visit the city without fear of enslavement.