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GP Sphere of Influence

GP Main      Education     Patrol Experience     Psychological Profile     Classified
Classified Information -- Lensmen only

The Galactic Patrol Sphere of Influence covers all of the milky way galaxy and to the neighboring galaxy of Andromeda.  The home world of the Galactic Civilization is the planet Tellus. 

Tellus is the 3rd world from the star Sol, in the Milky Way Galaxy.  The system is located on spiral arm #4 , 17258 light years from the core.  All planets in the Tellus system with the exception of Mercury have been terraformed to some degree.  Where terraforming was not possible, genetic engineering was permitted.  The planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are currently being used as stations for our sub-zero members of the Galactic Civilization.

Tellus's sister planet Klovia, in the Andromeda Galaxy acts as primary Galactic Civilization home world for that Galaxy.


The Lens is a lenticular structure of hundreds of thousands of tiny crystalloids, built and tuned to match the individual life force -- the ego, the personality -- of one individual entity.  While not, strictly speaking, alive, it is endowed with a sort of pseudo-life by virtue of which it gives off a strong, characteristically-changing, polychromatic light as long as it is in circuit with the living mentality with which it is in synchronization.  It is also a telepathic communicator of astounding power and range, among other things.  The Lens are provided to the GP Lensmen by Mentor of Arisia

General History:

After a long period of conflicts against the Boskone Empire, they were defeated by a combination of military firepower and the Lensmen.  This conflict was not without cost, billions of lives where lost in both galaxy as in places whole worlds were destroyed or rendered uninhabitable.  It was literally a war for the free races of the Galactic Civilization very existence.

Primary in the success of this conflict where the Lensmen of the GP.  Specifically 2nd Stage Lensmen Kimball Kinnison and his children as well as the other 2nd Stage Lensmen.

It is a time of new beginnings, exploration and recovery.