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This web page is designed as an assignment for a Phisiology Class but is provided for all those who need information on Trichomonaisis.

Symptoms in Men

Symptoms in Women


How does one get the Disease



About Trichomonas Vagilis

How to avoid Trichomonaisis

First Impression of Trich

My first impression of the disease was that it was just like any other STD. I thought it could not be treated and you can see it on someone even before you have sex. I didnt know how there is a specific agent that is directly responcible for this disease and I didn't know how the disease spreads.


To conclude this web page, I would like to make everyone aware of the growing STD problem in the United states and the world. Unprotected sex can result in non-curable STDs and can ruin your life. If you do get Trich then consider yourself lucky. Now you are aware of what unprotected sex can do. You can reverse your mistake this time but maybe next time, there will be a different outcome.


Other Sources of Information

--------The non-western way to cure the disease
--------Another source of general info on Trich
--------More Statistics