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Jedi Mind Gamez: dood...i ripped the bumper off my car yesterday...
Jedi Mind Gamez: 8*(
its PLURific: why
Jedi Mind Gamez
: cause i was parking
Jedi Mind Gamez: and u knoe how they have those cemant blocks
Jedi Mind Gamez: to keep u from going to far
its PLURific: ya
Jedi Mind Gamez
: well the cement block that in the spot i was parking at
Jedi Mind Gamez: had a 4 or 5 inch rod stickin out of it
Jedi Mind Gamez: but i didnt see it
Jedi Mind Gamez: so i went over the block
its PLURific: awww
its PLURific
: that sucks
its PLURific
: ;[
Jedi Mind Gamez
: and the rod got caught under my bumper
Jedi Mind Gamez: and under my bumper there are lil holes for some reason
Jedi Mind Gamez: the rod went in one of those holes
its PLURific: thats lame
Jedi Mind Gamez
: and i thought i hit the block
Jedi Mind Gamez: cause i heard and felt it
Jedi Mind Gamez: so i backed up a lil
Jedi Mind Gamez: ripped the whole bumper off
its PLURific: omg
its PLURific
: 8*(
Jedi Mind Gamez
: very 8*(
Jedi Mind Gamez: wuts even more lame
Jedi Mind Gamez: i told my mom
Jedi Mind Gamez: and she started yelling at me
Jedi Mind Gamez: and started bring up hella shit
its PLURific: whaaaat
Jedi Mind Gamez
: like oh no ones workin on halloween
its PLURific: thats lame
Jedi Mind Gamez
: uve been in so many accidents
Jedi Mind Gamez: blah blah blah
Jedi Mind Gamez: and i responded...yea i have but this is the first time i did any major damage to the car that was my fault
Jedi Mind Gamez: and its not really even my fault
its PLURific: i agree
Jedi Mind Gamez
: and she like well still u've filed so many claims blah blah blah
Jedi Mind Gamez: and im like whos fault is that mom
Jedi Mind Gamez: ure the one thats making me delivery
Jedi Mind Gamez: and drive to and from davis
Jedi Mind Gamez: thing about how often i drive...the more i drive hte high probablity there is that im gonna get in an accident
its PLURific: ya
Jedi Mind Gamez
: now im tryin to rush to get it fixed before monsters\
its PLURific: how much is it gonna cost
Jedi Mind Gamez
: dont knoe...cause we havent taken it to get an estimate yet
Jedi Mind Gamez: but from previous cases
its PLURific: i see
Jedi Mind Gamez
: i knoe a bumper is gonna cost at least 500+
its PLURific: ;[
Jedi Mind Gamez
: and i gotta get hte plastic under thingy replaced too
Jedi Mind Gamez: and then however much they charge to paint it
its PLURific: lame ;[
Jedi Mind Gamez
: very
Jedi Mind Gamez: and my mom doesnt wanna file it thou insurance
Jedi Mind Gamez: cause it'll cause everybodys rates to go up
Jedi Mind Gamez: since its a family plan
Jedi Mind Gamez: and since my bro just joined hte plan
Jedi Mind Gamez: and hes 16
Jedi Mind Gamez: only good thing that i got going for me
its PLURific: ahh i see
Jedi Mind Gamez
: is that the girl i took to senior prom
Jedi Mind Gamez: her parents own a body shop
Jedi Mind Gamez: and her parents like me
its PLURific: oooohhh
Jedi Mind Gamez
: so they can do the body work quick
its PLURific: thats cool
Jedi Mind Gamez
: yea but it still sucks
Jedi Mind Gamez: i have half of my bumper in the trunk
Jedi Mind Gamez: and when i drive part of my bumper drags on the ground
Jedi Mind Gamez: so when im drivin thou school
Jedi Mind Gamez: i got hella ppl starin at me and shit
its PLURific: lame
Jedi Mind Gamez
: tape is holdin my bumper on rite now
Jedi Mind Gamez: or else the whole bumper would be draggin on the ground
its PLURific: ouch
Jedi Mind Gamez
: all cause of a stupid lil 4 inch rod!!!!
its PLURific: fuckin gay