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Role Play Title
The World is a Stage: Enter, Stage Left

People Used
"The Franchise" Neo/William Diamond, Jeeves the Butler, Mr. Wednesday, Qumby, Mark Collins

People Mentioned
No one of any importance

Diamond Manor in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Current Feds
Netlink Wrestling Organization

The World is a Stage: Enter, Stage Left

Back by popular demand! (Or, just the simple fact that Jordan stole it from me)

Reccommended Reading Music: "Now or Never" by Dope


Length: Medium
Word Count: 2,443

Last Match

Next Match

In nWo: Brutality Champion (x1)

Other Titles and Honors: HCW Triple Crown Title {x5}, HCW Criminal Title {x7}, HCW World Heavyweight Title {x8}, HCW Game Title {x7}, HCW Xtreme Title {x5}, HCW Tag Team Title {x3, with Y2K}, HCW Xtreme Tag Team Title {x2, with Y2K}, HCW Stable Title {with Tha Viruses}, HCW Hall of Famer, SCW World Heavyweight Title {x2}, SCW IC Title, SCW US Title, SCW 24/7 Title, SCW Tag Team Title {x2, with Y2K, with Freedom}, SCW Wrestler of the Year 2001, SCW Feud of the Year 2001 {with "The Bronx Bad Ass" Barrows}, SCW Hall of Famer, FWW World Heavyweight Title {x2}

Date Written
March 5th, 2004

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