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Red's Lair

Hello mate! Unfortunatly for you you have stumbled upon my site which I created one boring Sunday afternoon when I had nothing better to do. Here you will find info on me, my drums, my bands, and various poems/songs/stories or pieces of artwork I happen to post. Wait! Don't leave! Hang around awhile and maybe you will discover something amazing! I highly doubt it but hey, one can hope!


Well, I've lived all over the place. I'm currently in the US. I've been playing drums for a year and a half and love it. If I had time I would learn guitar or bass but I don't. I have a dark green Pearl kit with Paste cymbols. ooooo... I'm into rock and metal but can play many different kinds of beats (jazz.. latin..)Best bands - Led Zeppelin and Motorhead. No compair.
