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Pixy Talia

My all time fave Things

My Favorite Web Sites

Mytic Maidens Valley
Fleur Verte
Swan Lake good

This is just about me, I¡¦ve started getting into these dolls lately I love them and I¡¦ll post some of my fave up but if you see one that is yours or someone¡¦s you know. Please tell me im not sure where some come from and if you don¡¦t want me to post them tell me and I wont. I must also say NONE of these dolls are mine sadly as much as I love them I can't make them for peanuts I tried making one I think I¡¦ll post it for a laugh :) anyway as I was saying I¡¦m still trying to link back all the dolls this may take awhile. I'll also put some bases on if I can. This is one of my 1st site ive made (the other 2 were a flop) if you have any advice please tell me :) ok now about me, My names Talia I live in Australia I go to an all girls school :P and in two months im going on an exchange to France for six months and when I get back I (hopefully) write some of this in French. My mother¡¦s first language is French but she never taught me so here I am on my way to France. My father was born in Wales and I have two older bros Tyson (in the army) and Jordan (traveling round the world) I hope to make this site better as I go on every now and then I¡¦ll have a personal entry you if something big happens of course I don't expect anyone to read this I only wanted a site where I can see al my fave dolls Ok more about me, I love reading its probly my passion but if you haven¡¦t notice I really can't spell (but I did spell check ƒº ) so there might be a few mistakes here and there. Ok another thing I¡¦m passionate about is history so allot of dolls........... ok ok most dolls I post will be like medieval or something i know I know im weird I hear it at least once a week from someone. Hmm what else ok ok I work at Hungry Jacks sad I know but what you can do I need money for my trip this should be heaps of fun I¡¦m looking forward to keeping this site well I better get on with it I have the day off school today because of the GAT or something Love Talia
