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Hey, i do all my tags on photoshop version 6.0... its my fave program..^.^ lol so ya there getting better but still not that good...not even close to as good as brendan' thaz it..keikei.. love always, kelsey =)

this was my furst tag ever! n' thats y its sucks ><

this was my second one....this bites ass..worse then the furst cuz..ya its just plain sucks lol

this is the first "drawing" i've ever done...simple..

this one is pretty recent...done quickly too..o well..

this is a gorillaz picture that i changed and fixed up..

just another the way they all say niteballa..^.^

lol...this one sez sumthin' else tho...=)

this sez macbeth...if u didnt get that already...i did it for skool...i dunt think my teacher liked it tho..=(

ya this just says "and 1" cuz thats wat kind of shoes those are..^.^
