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SUCCESS!! I managed to get my sister to upload my eight outlines of my alternate universes with my friends as characters for my challenge to prove I'm not screwing off. Summaries and character descriptions are below. Enjoy.

Highlander AU
Mutant-X AU
Old West AU
Post Apocalypse AU
Search and Rescue AU
Star Trek AU
Vampires and Demons AU
X-Treme Sports AU

Favorite Things in Life

My Favorite Web Sites

Internet Movie Database
Online quizzes
Magnificent Seven Fanfiction
The Realm of Andromeda Silver

This is all I have. I don't know what I'm doing. But I will eventually! Muwahahaha! Okay, maybe that's not entirely true. My sister is teaching me basic html coding and eventually, I will be able to get more up here. I am a huge fan of the Magnificent Seven, Stargate SG-1, Highlander, Smallville, The Dead name it I probably watch it. Oh yeah, and of course, favorite books include the Lord of the Rings trilogy and all of the Harry Potter books (though truthfully, I'm still mad about the fifth book's ending), Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a on and so forth. My favorite author (that I've met) is Chris Mooney. He's written several books, like Deviant Ways and World Without End. Pretty cool if you ask me.

Ok, now to describe myself. Well, anti-social personality seems to fit me pretty well. I have no conscience and I don't mind telling lies to get people to do things for me. I don't really like people, except my few close friends, but then again, the people where I live are complete jerkoffs. One of them's being indicted this morning for possession of stolen weapons and drugs. My physical appearance consists of what the stereotypical Irish look like: flame red hair, green eyes, pale skin, and of course, my wicked temper. I edit for people on and a few people on Blackraptor, and I am in the process of completing a bet with said people. The bet was that I couldn't come up with seven different alternate universes, using my seven friends as characters in them, and make them halfway interesting without altering their personalities too much. Somehow it came up when my online buddy was complaining that all her friends were boring and I told her my friends were the best people in the world, thus the resulting challenge. As soon as I learn how, I'll post character outlines here for the different universes. Not that I think you're interested.

Ok, now I have to go. More to come, including Magnificent Seven fanfiction, Dollz, and Harry Potter writings.

Goddess of the Night. Beautiful yet a strange
darkness and sadness lurk about you.

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
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The Jackal
The Jackal

What sign of the Black Zodiac are you?
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You have the Power of Flight!

What's Your Magic Power?
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FIRE is your chinese symbol!

What Chinese Symbol Are You?
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Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
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Brown Eyes

What Color Eyes Should You Have?
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You come from the Ocean. You've always been drawn
to the sea, the sound of the waves, the crystal
blue water, near the sea is where you belong.
Greatest gun ever! Feel special. Beautiful and reliable but can still scare the living bejesus outta anyone.
Sig Sauer P226. Greatest gun ever! Feel special.
Beautiful and reliable but can still scare the
living bejesus outta anyone.

What handgun are you?
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What Is Your Animal Personality?

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I am a drunken bum.

Which cat that thinks it's human are you?
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You are Storm! You are very strong and very protective of those
you love. You are in tune with nature and are
very concerned with justice and humanity.
Unfortunately, certain apprehensions and fears
are very hard for you to overcome, and can
often inhibit you when most need to be strong.

Which X-Men character are you most like?
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You are Morpheus-
You are Morpheus, from "The Matrix." You
have strong faith in yourself and those around
you. A true leader, you are relentless in your

What Matrix Persona Are You?
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You are a Welsh Pony!
You are a WELSH PONY! Because of your clever means
of getting attention, you get into (and out of)
trouble easily.

What Breed of Horse Are YOU ?
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You are a Mustang
You are a MUSTANG! You are the symbol of freedom!

What Breed of Horse Are YOU ?
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Your a Rocky Mountain Pony!
You are a Rocky Mountain Horse! People love you for
your great disposition!

What Breed Of Horse Are You?
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Mr. O'Neill
Jack-let's just say you'd rather be fishing

What Stargate SG-1 member are you?
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Jack is your fantasy. You're into the all-American

Who is your Stargate fantasy man? (Ver. 2.0)
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You relate to Chris Larabee. You wear all black,
with a glare that will keep anyone but the six
you work with away.

What character of The Magnificent Seven do you relate to?(T.V. Western)
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So goth you're dead!
You are every goth-kids dream!

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
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You are CRUSH!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

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Your... Lex Luthor.... you came from a rich family and no can see past the last name but don't worry if you try, you won't end up like your father if you don't want to
Your... Lex Luthor.... you came from a rich family
and no can see past the last name but don't
worry if you try, you won't end up like your
father if you don't want to

Which Smallville character are you?
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Gryffindor- You're brave and very amiable.
Everyone wants to be more like you, you lucky

What Harry Potter house do you belong to?
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You're most lke Fred and George! Pranks, humor, and
fun are what best describe you! Party on!

According to JFHPF, which Harry Potter kid are you most like?
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Moony (Remus J. Lupin)

Are you Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, or Prongs? (4 Harry Potter Fans)
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Padfoot (Sirius Black)

Are you Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, or Prongs? (4 Harry Potter Fans)
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cedar, 11 1/4 in, veela hair.

Choose your Wand (Harry Potter)
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Harry Potter - Which Marauder Are You?
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You Are Goblet of Fire!
Which Harry Potter Book Are You?
by Mina-Clare

Ron Weasley
Ron Weasley You get scared easily you stick by your friends
nomatter what though

which harry potter character are you?
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Which Harry Potter Character are you?
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You're Chocolate Frogs. You probably have a lot of friends, because most everyone likes you. You're sweet and intelligent. Congratulations!
Chocolate Frogs

Which Harry Potter Candy are you?
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Your best match is Ron!

Which Harry Potter Guy are you Most Compatible with?
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Ron Weasley
Ron Weasley

What's Your Harry Potter Crushing Style?
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You're Hannibal. You're an excellent leader.
Mostly, you're a people-watcher. You enjoy
people and like to do crazy things just to
watch their reactions. When you're left alone
too long, you start to worry. You also smoke
too much.

Which member of the A-Team are you?
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blue fairy
You like to be alone and see everything around you.
You like to do things alone. You're a fall fairy
but fall is a very pretty and soft time of year.

What kind of fairy are you?
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find your element at <º>

Find your Role-Playing Stereotype at [Angel.]

Take the What Type of Friend are You? quiz, and visit [Me.]

Take the What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.

What Type of Villain are You? / <º>
Your an Elf
Your an Elf! your very beautiful and Tall, graceful and smart
and mysterious (you can even be very dangerous
when your mad)

Are you an Elf? Hobbit? Black Rider? or a dwarf? (Lord of The Rings)
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If you were in Lord Of The Rings you would be... (Girls/boys)
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You are the best character in my eyes! You are sweet, caring, beautiful, you like nature etc. You also are very loyal and would die for your friends. You where the first one in the%
You are Legolas!!!!! The wonderful sweet caring
character who kicks ass with their bow and
arrow plus they have the 2 pretty sword!!! You
are also good looking!

Lord of the Rings Personality Quiz
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You like beautiful things. You love to be
surrounded in beauty and you are very graceful
and soft spoken.

Lord of the rings test--it can tell about your personality
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You are Legolas, you're quick, you're sharp, have
great hearing and sight, you also know how to
catch a lady's eye. You have blonde hair, blue
eyes and Gimli's you're best freind. You're
quick to temper but are a hell of a good
fighter. You're arrow always hits its mark.

What character from the Lord of The Rings are you?
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FAIRY OF TRICKS. You are playfull and sneaky.
Sometimes you can be annoying, but hey, it's
worth every bit of it!!! You have to be
careful about over doing it because everyone
will be able to recognize when you're gonna
play one, ruining your fun :( .

What type of fairy are you?
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earth faerie
You are an Earth fairy. You love nature and would
much rather spend time outdoors than in. You
have a wonderful personality, and basically all
people enjoy your company because of it.

What type of fairy are you?
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You're a moon fairy, pretty cool, you love the night
usually and to watch your moon up in the night

What Type of Fairy are you?
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graceful fairy
You are a Graceful Fairy! You have a certain grace that leaves men in a
trance. You give new meaning to the word
beautiful. You love to express youself in the
arts preferrebly in dance.

What type of Fairy are You?
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Forest Fairy
You are a Forest Fairy! You can be found in any
type of forest, flying, singing, and walking
amongst the trees and plants. You are a little
more bold than the other fairies, and you realy
enjoy woodland creatures. Last of all, you
look very beautiful in greens of any hue (a
general plant color).

What type of fairy are you? (for girls, sorry guys!)
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Earth girl
You are a true nature girl!

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
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Fight Club!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
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Senko - "Wizard Child; Hermit Child"

What would your Japanese name be? (female)
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jack and eliz on island
You are "Welcome to the Caribbean, love."
You're more than a little world-weary, but also
intelligent and you keep your head when things
get dodgy. You're everybody's favorite
drinking buddy, but your stubbornness does get
in the way sometimes.

Which one of Captain Jack Sparrow's bizarre sayings from Pirates of the Caribbean are you?
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jack g.
You are Captain Jack Sparrow. You love to drink rum
and you walk around like you live wherever you
happen to be. You are a very dishonest person
and therefore you can be trusted to be
dishonest, honestly... You are very clever and
never forgive people if they betray you. You
are also very agile (good for climbing up ropes
and standing on the masts of sinking boats).

Which Pirates of the Caribbean character are you?
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You're a great pirate! you know everything about
them, you know the code the clothes the boats..
erm... I mean ships...

Are you cut out to be a Pirate? (from Pirates of the Caribbean)
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Season = Winter
You're Most Like The Season Winter ... You're often depicted as the cold, distant season.
But you're incredibly intelligent, mature and
Independant. You have an air of power around
you - and that can sometimes scare people off.
You're complex, and get hurt easily - so you
rarely let people in if you can help it. You
can be somewhat of a loner, but just as easily
you could be the leader of many. You Tend to be
negative, and hard to relate to, but you give
off a relaxed image despite being insecure -
and secretly many people long to be like you,
not knowing how deep the Winter season really
is. Well done... You're the most inspirational of
seasons :)

?? Which Season Are You ??
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You are Wrath/Anger! Wow... who got you so mad huh ?? You have serious
anger issues!! with a rage that seems somewhat
deadly, and a temper that is easily raised, you
are by far the scariest sin. You tend to let
the little things get to you, and are stressed
fairly easily - and woe be it to any of your
enemies. On the positive side, you're
independent, powerful and a definite leader, if
you could just control your moods! Congratulations on being the toughest!! ...and the
most independent of all the 7 deadly sins!

?? Which Of The Seven Deadly Sins Are You ??
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So what Demonology 101 Character Are You?
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You are Nightmare - Nightmare is by far the most badass character in the game. Similarly, you are badass. You are aggressive and you are a straight-dealer, people who dilly-dally and waste your time piss you off. Sometimes your temper runs a little short and the people around you suffer as a result, however, it's all just a matter of how you deal with stress. You don't want to be messed with and people know it...that kinda respect does not come as easily to other weaklings. Oh...and if you're ever around a casting call for a villain in a Hollywood movie, AUDITION!

Which Soul Calibur character are you?
Cougar/Mountain Lion/Puma ~ The Puma spirit
represents power, grace and stealth in
darkness, but its real power lies in the
silence of its eerie, unblinking stare that
seems to bore deep into one's soul. This
teaching can help us to discover the benefits
of concentration, deep contemplation and
prayer. As we peer into the darkness of the
unknown to feel its power, we can be guided by
our puma friend to the light on the other side.
The puma is extremely quiet during the hunt.
It knows when to be invisible and when to make
its awesome presence known. Silence is its
sword and power. Silence is highly respected
among American Indians and is seen as a holy
state of consciousness as we quietly behold the
grace and glory of the Creator. It is said
that silence speaks words of the Great Mystery.
When the student is ready, the puma teacher may
bring knowledge of this powerful medicine. Cougar/Mountain Lion/Puma's Wisdom Includes:
Using leadership power wisely and without ego
Balancing power, intention, strength
Gaining self-confidence
Freedom from guilt

If you enjoy this quiz please rate, and I may do
some more!

Animal Spirit Guides ~ Which One Calls To You?
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Aua Marine Mermaid
You are the Aqua Marine Mermaid. You are pure and
brave. Strong and True. Your best freind is
your seahorse, your steed. You have fought many
battles in your own life and in the sea. No
matter what challenge you overcome it.
Congratulations there are very few of you.
Would you rate my quiz for I am brave too?

What kind of mermaid are you? (Gorgeous Pics)
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Bai Hu - Tiger! Mythological Background: The tiger is associated
with strength and the desire for a challenge.
It is also associated with hope to win, or
rather, the blooming season. It is also linked
to meandering, or the ability to be in contact
with a lot of aspects. The tiger also stands
for war and soldiers fighting to the end, for
the sake of their country.

Which Chinese Mythological Being Are You?
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You're Element is Fire. You have a strong,
independant, fiery personality and you
obviously don't ley other's puch you around.
You like being in charge and don't care what
other people think. In fact, you like to stand
out and be yourself. You're probably shy when
people first meet you but your a ball of energy
that could explode at any given moment. You
like to laugh and whether you admit it or not,
you like to fight. You're a personality that is
wild and untamable. You're beauty is physically
fit and a little sexy and you have a very
pretty face.

What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES)
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Alkaline Trio - Radio

You've got a fire burning inside of you. Vengeful
and bitter, you've been hurt in the past, and
don't plan on forgetting it soon. This may seem
like a bad thing, but really, you're just
holding others to the same high standards you
hold yourself. And when somebody crosses you,
they'd better be ready for a storm. You may be
in the habit of keeping negative feelings
bottled up inside you, brewing up to a bursting
point. Are all those grudges really directed at
who you think they are, or is it just bad
energy trying to break out of you? Getting
angry is a natural part of the grieving
process, and if it will help you move on, anger
can help you. Just remember to move on once
you're done.

What's Your Theme Song?
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Dragon: Dragons are very mysterious creatures who often
live alone in caves with hoards of gold. You
keep yourself from others and contain many
armoured plates for defence. However, you will
be kind to others if they are kind to you. You
are very thrifty and rarely waste any money.

What Mythological Creature Are You (Many Results and Beautiful Pics)
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You're a Summer. You're just a ball of energy that
is constantly going on and on!! You're kinda
like the energizer bunny. lol. But your
probably really athletic and even if you're
not, you'd be good in sports because of all
your energy. You're enthusiastic about
everything you do and find it hard not to be
happy. You're usually pretty optimistic but can
be realistic when needed. You always hope for
the best to turn out and many times they do.
Sometimes though, you let your temper get the
best of you but you apologize as soon as you
can because you hate people being angry with
you. You're friends love how active you are and
you make them feel like they can do anything
crazy if they want to.

What season are you? (pics)
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Gold - > Gold eh? You're strong willed that's for
sure. And you're quite distant. In your
opinion people are worthless. You're kind and
gentle inside. But because of your defenses
and tragic home-life that you don't tell
anybody, most people don't see it. You're dark
sometimes and you're very creative. You're a
natural born writer. Try to tell somebody
about your inner pain - it's eating away at
your soul.

What Color Are Your Anime Eyes?
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You're a Summer. You're just a ball of energy that
is constantly going on and on!! You're kinda
like the energizer bunny. lol. But your
probably really athletic and even if you're
not, you'd be good in sports because of all
your energy. You're enthusiastic about
everything you do and find it hard not to be
happy. You're usually pretty optimistic but can
be realistic when needed. You always hope for
the best to turn out and many times they do.
Sometimes though, you let your temper get the
best of you but you apologize as soon as you
can because you hate people being angry with
you. You're friends love how active you are and
you make them feel like they can do anything
crazy if they want to.

What season are you? (pics)
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You have Blue Wings! You are artistic and highly
creative. Others are amazed by your imaginative
ideas, and the way you speak so smoothly. You
are very social, but you like talking
face-to-face, instead of the phone. You love
dancing, Writing, acting, drawing, singing,
anything that requires artistic style. You have
many friends, and are popular because of your
unique style. Though your jokes crack up
everyone around you, you often daydream about
many different things, lost in your own world.
Even though, you are optimistic, and remain
friendly and loved by others in reality, you
always like to visit your fantasy world for
some peace from the hectic world.

What Color are your wings?(Mainly for Girls)Beautiful Pix!
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You're A Villian! You evil person, you. You have a dark side to you.
Your destiny is world destruction/domination.
Just so long as those pesky heros stay out of
your way.

What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
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this quiz was made by david park