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Can Ya Dig IT?!!

The A W E S O M E One

Career Highlights:
None Yet

Next Match: Booker T vs. Prime Time       Record: 0-0-1       Hit List: Everyone in my way

.:: The scene comes to life with the Book at his favorite resturuant that he has found at Moscow. He seem to be eating until he notices the camera which then he motions for the camera to join him at his table so that they can be able to talk. ::.

.:: Booker T ::.

There have been a couple of things disturbing me these last couple of days since my first of them is easy to stop, and the other is not quite so easy. First let's start with the easy stuff. First off I want to say that I felt honored to have fought agaianst my former opponents in my last match, they fought hard. And now I'm glad that Scott Stiener has accepted my proposition as a team mate. So now I'll accept his for going after the tag team titles.

.:: The Camera Man ::.

So what's the hard thing...?

.:: Booker T ::.

Well that's the thing that has been keeping me up at nights...Do you know what it is? It's the fact that SOMEONE IS STEALING MY WATER!!!!!! I can't Sleep, I can't eat, I can't eve do the Spinnerooni right!!!!! When I take a drink of water from my cup, they steal my water!!!! When I wash my hands they steal my water!!!!!! Even when I take a shower they are in my drain stealing my water!!!!!! I can never find out where they take it!!!!!! I'm not sure what I should do anymore. I have tried calling the cops, and they thought I was crazy!!!! I tried telling the fire department, they also thought I was crazy!!!!!!! But I know the truth, I will find out who's stealing my water, as a matter of fact let's do something right now!!!!!

.:: Booker t then orders some water, and gets the glass and puts it on the middle of the table, he then proceeds to wait to find out who'll steal his water, while waiting he puts a camera he had to record the cup. After a couple of hours the water is gone!!!!! (evaporated) and Booker T is in a frenzy!!! ::.

.:: Booker T ::.

See they have stolen my water again!!!!!! Well this time I should have them on film to find out who has stolen my water!!!!!!

.:: Booker T then Proceeds to review his tape to find out who has stolen his water and by each passing second he gets more amazed!!!!! ::. .:: Booker T ::.

Either the person who stole my water is invisible or they are to fast even for the camera!!!!! And since I don't know of anyone who is invisible, there is only one person who can be stealing my water with that type of speed!!!!!! RVDawg!!!!!!! Now why would he be stealing my water ?!?!?!?!?!?! RVDawg I know your out here!!!!! Give me back my water!!!!!!!!

.:: Everyone in the resturaunt then looks at Booker T as if he were crazy when all of a sudden RVDawg pops out of nowhere!!!!!! ::.

.:: Booker T ::.

Why did you steal my water and where is it?

.:: RVDawg ::.

Well I did it mainly for the challenge to see if you could catch me, anyway if you follow me I give you back your water....

.:: Booker t then leaves the resturaunt and follows RVDawg to get back his water leaving the camera man in shock, and then the scene fades..... ::.