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Welcome Note
Welcome to the new Stay Cool site again. As you can see, this theme follows the Message Board's theme. This time, I get rid some useless part of the site and add some features such as shout box at your right-hand side there. Hope this found useful for this site.
Some of the feature that I've thought it over, still can't be implemented yet for a moment, but I believe it will soon enough to be available.

Well, please enjoy your stay with us and Have a nice day!

Stay Cool Staff's Comment Posted: Aug/19/2003 By: Cloud
New Lay-Out and New Server

Hello there all, new lay-out and new hosting server. Hope you all like it. I added some feature that might make you more easy to process this site like shout box here. U can use this for real-time chatting as well and u don't need to register in order to use this feature, but don't abuse it ok?

And another one is submission section, this one u can use to submit the joke or any others thing to my e-mail there, but don't spam (post rubbish repeatly) to this mailbox. Now u still can't upload any file to the server, but I hope in the future u can do that.

Finally, I ask you to register to the Message Board for u that haven't done it yet. I spend almost 2 weeks to make this new lay-out, so there is no reason that u don't want to spend only 5 minutes to register right? Do me a favour, register there.

Thank You and have a nice day.

  • New Lay-Out
  • Shout-Box Added
  • Various Source Added

  • Shout Box

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