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Enter the Dragon.
As the sign says, a new site is coming. So hold on to your asses, and get ready for the opening of Stand Proud. Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Saiyajin, the one and only Faia. The same one who brought you the An Amusement in Progress. We're closing down the AAiP to bring you this. Image galleries, episode synopsis, fanworks... all the things you've come to expect from a Dragonball - Z - GT site. So when you're tired of all the nonsense that's offered to you now, remember your friends at Stand Proud. No annoying voting popups. No more of this outrageous javascripted flash nonsense that's synonymous with the current Z sites out there. Plus, it's femme-friendly.
All the Ball. Half the hype.
Faia Saiyajin 03.02.03

--Many thanks to mistic_dragoon for the Bejiita picture--