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Sprawling Scape of Life

Hmmmmmmmm......... Have you come to the LifeStream Crossroads? Welcome, souls. Choose you path, respect its beauty, and return for the others. Remember-The LifeStream connects us all.....
~*~ ~*~

Kyaaaaaaaa! Too much seriousness! *shakes head* This is what one might call my lair, with links to all of the pages in the Sprawling Scape network! ^^ I'm working on renovating ALL of my sites... With the exception of 'Got Toast?' cause that is a site with three webmistresses, and I'm the only one bright enough to work HTML.... So, no update on that one.

A shrine to Japanese Yu-Gi-Ou, complete with MP3s, a humor section, and fanfiction. *YAOI and YURI content*

Bluesummers- Make Ya Wanna Purr
Who do you *think* it's devoted to?! Legato Bluesummers, of course! .... Okay, okay, it's got a little Knives and Vash too.... Alright already, so it's a Trigun shrine. Oh freakin well! I can *say* it's devoted to Legato if I feel like it! >.< *YAOI and NON-YAOI friendly*

View Point: L2
Gundam Wing. Yaoi. 1x2. Need I say more? ... YES! USED to be one of the huge, extensive GW sites, before it got deleted. From then on, I made backups of all my stuff. >.< Might be back in the future.MP3s, profiles, fanfiction, in-depth 'essays' and views, an actual serious site! Woah.... Oo

Dreams of..... Something?
Ahhhh, now *here's* the humorous GW!!!!! Relena-hate section, chibis, and everything ya ever wanted! ^^ Fun. ^^

Oh, come ON! Allll of ya have heard of this one, right? ........ Bunny, Mina, and me have a site devoted to our *amazing* stupidity! ^^ Humor, idiocy, and weirdness abounds. You have been forewarned... *a little yaoi and non-yaoi**mostly just us being stupid*

//NEWS FLASH: The doujinshi archives are sloooowly getting back on their feet! *cheers* YAHOOOO!!!!// An FF VII site, MAJOR yaoi, a little yuri, and all around cool! Profiles, galleries, doujinshi archives, fanfiction... You ask, I create. ^^ Will have links to the FF sites I'm working on (well, more like character shrines)....... Plus, who doesn't love Zack?! DIE HOJO DIE! Underapprieciated- J.E.N.O.V.A. (Awwww, come on! She started it!)

Bed of Roses... A shrine to Vincent Valentine, part of the Mako-Blue Eyes project. Enjoy your stay... *smile*

Shining: The Pink-Haired Brat
Guess. Just guess. Gravitation!!! ^^; Yet another MP3 sitw with pics, much, MUCH Yuki/Shuichi goodness, and fanfics! Feel free to visit, but beware of the Kumagoro Beam!

Angel Touch-
DN Angel! I absolutely love this series. It's by Yukiru Sugisaki (Brain Powered; Candidate for Goddess/Megami Kohousei/Pilot Candidate), and it could either be staright or shounen-ai! In fact, there are so many hints etc. for each idea, it's drives us all nuts! Includes: The chronicles of How Many Times Satoshi Get a Liiittle Too Friendly with Dark and Daisuke. Can also go for Krad. Most of the time. Much shounen-ai and possibly yaoi, depends on how much fun I'm gonna have with it!