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a complete list of residents (the people who have claim on a bedroom). if you want a room added, you must request that one of the ORIGIONAL 8 ask for you to have a room here. if one of your characters puts in a request to get a room for another of your characters, the request will be thrown out. if you ask somebody outside the origional 8, the request will be thrown out. we use this system for a reason- the origional 8 are the rightful owners of the mansion- they are letting you live here. you need their permission to be here- thus, if you anger them, THE PERSON WHO REQUESTED YOUR ROOM (putting emphasis on that) can request that you be kicked out of the house. make sure you trust the person that you are asking. the origional 8 can not be thrown out.

**NOTE- by default, the numbers by your names deturmine your 'rank' in the house. this is to prevent people from getting together and excluding any one specific member, the numbers are your council seats. Origional 8 take the primary council, added members take the secondary council. numbers are subject to change, depending on what you do in the mansion. numbers give you no control over the other people- they just deturmine your council seats, so everybody cheer for an organized system! ORIGIONAL 8
1- Vincent
2- D
3- Falcon (& T'Nar)
4- Fire Song (& Aya & Vree)
5- Dark Fire
6- Cye
7- vacant
8- vacant
