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Various Descriptions of The Spirit World

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I have decided to share these descriptions with anyone who might be looking for them on the Internet.

I have collected a few descriptions from a few different books that I have read and I think that since this information is available to us we should share it.

This particular fragment was taken out of the book called " A wanderer in the spirit lands" writted by a spirit author named Franchezzo who lived in Italy two centures ago.It has been transcribed by an englishman A.Farnese in 1896 and has been published in 1901 by The Progressive Thinker Publishing House in Chicago, IL


" This scene upon which we look is but a small, a very small, fractional portion of the great sphere which men have been speaking of as Hell.There are dark spheres above this which may seem to many to deserve the name untill they have seen this pace and learned in it how low a soul can sink and how much more terrible in this sphere can be both the crimes and the sufferings.The great belt of dark matter of which is composed this, the lowest of the Earth spheres, extends for many million miles around us, and has received within its borders all those multitudes of sinful souls whose material lives have been passed on Earth, and whose existences date back to the remote far-off ages in which the planet Earth first began to bear its harvest of conscious immortals, destined to sin and suffer and work out each their own salvation till they should be purified from all earthly stain-all taint of their lower nature.The multitudes of such lives have been, and shall yet be , as the stars of the sky and the sands of the sea in number, and as each builds for himself his own habitation in the higher or lower spheres, so are the vast spheres of people and their many dwelling places and cities formed.

Far beyond the power of any mortal to carry even his thoughts , lie the myriad dwelling places of the spheres, each spot or locality bearing upon it the individual stamp of the spirit whose life has created it, and as there are no two faces, no two minds, exactly similar in all the countless beings that have peopled the earth- so there are no two places in the spirit world exactly alike.Each place- yea, even each sphere- is the separate creation of the particular class of minds that have created it, and those whose minds are in affinity being drawn to each other in the spirit world every place will bear more or less the peculiar stamp of its inhabitants.
