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Heroes 3 FAQ

Here is a way to evaluate all of the heroes 3 Towns. I have listed them from best to worst THE STRONGHOLD This is the worst town because it's units are so bad. THe only thing going for it is the fact that it is also the cheapest town. The only way to win is to attack quickly with cheap units. MONSTERS OF THE STRONGHOLD Goblin: An average but fast level 1. Can be usefull in large numbers. Wolf Rider: Agian a fast but very bad level 2. I would skip buying these all together. Orc: A fairly decent level 3. The ranged ability gives this unit a bost and is one of the better units at the stronghold. Ogre: Ogre's are the all time defensive unit. With 60 health this level 4 has more health than some level 6's. This is a must buy. Roc: An average unit with nothing all to special about it. As far as level fives go there are better ones out there. Cyclops: The best unit at the stronghold and ranged, this is a great level 6. One draw bak is how much it costs to buy them. Behemoth: The worst and cheapest level 7 in the game. The only thing going for it is 300 health. THE NECROPOLIS Not much better than the strong hold, but it does posses the best level 6 in the game. The worst part is that if you have other units that are not from the Necroplis, they all have poor morale. Skeleton: Not much to say here-just a average level 1 Walking Dead: The 2 worst level 2 in the game, these are worth nothing. Wraith: Not a bad unit but I have aproblem with it so I rarelly use it. Vampire: One of the better level 4s and with a no retaliation bonus, this is a must have. Lich: The only ranged unit in the necropolis so it is a must. The bad part is they only have 30 health. Black Night: The best level 6 in the game and also the best unit at the necropolis. This level 6 is better than some bad level 7s such as bone dragons. Bone Dragon: A disapointment to the level 7 catagorie. One of the worst in the game the only reason to buy them is because they give the enmy low morale. FORTRESS: An average toown with mostly average units. One good thing are the no retaliation hydras. Without this bost this would be the worst level 7 in the game.