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all about slayer

dragon slayer info

month: april I go to a small private Christian academy. My friend ( like my only friend ) Summer helped me with this site. I would like and try to make some new friends with this site. For my email to contact me, look at bottom of site. I like to write poetry and I recently got published in a young American poet book. Thanks for looking at my site come again! *Please visit my other site as well*

month: may hi im starting logs so i can keep you guys updated on what is happening in my life so everything is normal for the most part it the end of school and everything is crammed finals are next week and im stressed out summer is here at the library helping me with english because i want to raise my grade from a C to a B i want to thank the mouvery sisters for help with the backgrounds and pics i will put on soon so see you next month tahnks for visiting and come back soon

My Favorite Web Sites

my other site
some of my favorite pics
