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From:Bloodysoul15/Red Knight15/Da n00b015

This is so dumb! I wanted bunny ears and when he died he didn't drop them and he had 21 prayer!! But he was nice and he logged off ;\. But hey i got a awsome miner! His name is Mecos! Its cool i'm gonna train his Mineing and he'll own afterwords :P. Peace out!


From:Bloodysoul15/Red Knight15

Hey! I just made a pker. Yes another one and he he's gonna be a level 3. I don't know if he should be a mage or a ranger or another melee fighter. If he is he's going to stay low level. I'm tird of dieing on Bloody. I allready got full iron and about 4 team mates that might join the clan. 1 mage 1 ranger and 1 melee fighter and myself and one other ranger that i don't know yet. Someone stole my rune weapon! i'm runeweaponless!! but I got full black and 3 larges and 5 legs and 1 chest and addy pic and mith large. LIFE SUCKS ITS THE TRUTH! But really, what kind of dumb hacker doesn't steal full rune. What a stupid hacker lol.


From: Bloodysoul15/Red Knight15

Hey, welcome to clan DS). It stands for Dragon Slayers. If you want to join, Click on the Sign up button and when you get ready to sign it. Please list your 2 highest stats. We do everything there is to do. If you want to post something on the news, wisper me (bloodysoul15 or Red knight15) I don't have block on just tell me what you want me to post and I'll try my hardest to post it online the same day. There is also more to come! Look forward to it! U'll like it!


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