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Final Fantasy Seven

Hello I am dragon slayaman and this is my website on final fantasy seven which in mine and many other gamers opinion is that it is quite possibly the greatest game ever made. So click an a link and explore my site I really hope you like it and get all of the information that you need out of it have fun. Well since i just starting my site i will not have everything done but i work on it frequently so it should not be long before i have everything done and i will be updating frequently. So i am sorry for any inconvienence that this may put on you so if you see something that you need that is not there all you have to do is e-mail me from my home page and i will stop the page i am working on and do that page as soon as i get the e-mail Well i finally finished the first disc walkthrough and the beginning of the second disc so be patient.. Thank you for your co-operation.

Overview of the Game
Finding the Extra Characters
