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Don't hate me because I'm beautiful...................Hate me because your boyfriend thinks so!

-The scene opens up in the backstage area where superstars walk around talk and are doing other numerous things. Then the cameras zoom to a locker room door that begins to open. All the cameras can see is a hand plus a little bit of crimped blonde hair. Then the person, obviously a woman, comes out from behind the door but doesn't face the camera. People can it's not Torrie Wilson nor Gorgeous George....and it certainly isn't Stacy Keibler!

-People all around were saying Hey to her but yet the cameras have not shown her face. She walks to a locker room and when the camera shows the name it says "Deadman Inc." She knocks on the door and waits a bit but no one answers so she keeps walking around. Lots of people look at her kinda funny but she keeps walking til she reaches a small interveiw area and turns around so the cameras see her face.

Sara - Where the hell are you Mark?!

-She keeps walking around but by the time she even comes close to finding the Undertaker, it's time to cut to commercials....


McDonalds , Lara Croft 2 , Burger King , Finding Nemo , Bruce Allmighty

-As the commercials fade WWF/WcW programming comes back on. The arena is filled with the sounds of people hgollering for their fave superstars and others who are just chatting to waste time till someone else comes out.

-As the fans seem anxious when suddenly Deadman Walkin blasts through the arena. Lights go out and spotlights are seen as everyone erupts thinking it's the Undertaker but when the person walk out onto the ramp they see it's not Taker...but his wife Sara.

-Sara walks out and smiles at the fans who look at her for a moment then begin cheering loudly. She looks around as everyone gives her such a warm welcome. The music continues to play as she walks down the ramp smiling and waving to fans. She reaches the steels steps and walks up them posing for some pictures fans are screaming for! Then she enters the ring via bottom rope.

Lillian - Now welcoming to the ring from Austin Texas, A newcomer to the WWF/WcW.......SARA CALLOWAY!

-Sara poses more for the fans then walks over to Lillian and sweetly takes the mic. She holds it up and fans cheer really loud. She kinda laughs then begins to speak.

Sara - Allright I give up! I was told by my husband Mark to come here and catch up with him before looking to see if I had a match. I can't find him anywhere! I looked in his locker room the cafeteria and even the parking lot! I can't find him so I give up! Now I did however look at the RAW card. I have a match...I'm teaming with Sable against Stephanie McMahon and Bobbi Billiard. Let me just say first of all it's an honor to be wrestling against Stephanie McMahon. She is an idol to a lot of girls I know back home in Texas. And Bobbi Billiard....guys love her because her boobs are fake and she's skinny. Now I am thin but not that thin my gawd! Now Sable yea she's cool I can't say I personally know her but I hear she's pretty good. I also sat back and watched a lot of superstars come out here and talk and I can tell this federation is going to be awesome!

Sara - Now back to my match. I haven't seen Sable come out here yet but hopefully she soon will! All I have to say about Steph and Bobbi is watch out because I'm ready to kick some ass! Now another thing I wanna say is Mark if your back there if you truly want me to find you...why don't you find me!!! I'll be in my locker room you know the one with "Dark Bride - Sara Calloway" written on the door!

-Before Sara can say anything else the titantron flickers and Taker is seen sitting in Sara's locker room. She looks up at the TitanTron her eyes wide.

Taker - Sara...I've been looking everywhere for you girl! You stand in that yard! Then say you can't find me! Maybe you should have come into your own locker room!

Sara - Whatever Mark! Just stay there!

-Sara drops the mic and exits the ring rushing backstage. She gets to her locker room and opens the door slowly as Taker sits there looking at her.

Sara - you are!

-Sara stands there looking at him then starts laughing...........

Taker Continue if you wish to....