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Manannan Mac Lir

Manannan Mac Lir, also know as the Son of the Sea was the son of the sea god Lir about whom tales don not tell. Manannan however, is an important figure in the Celtic pantheon. He is the god of the Sea and of Storms but he is also the god of the Otherworld.

As the gatekeeper to the Otherworld, the land of the Sidhe and the Happy Dead, he is always called upon during ritual and often in meditation as well. A student of the Druidic path would be wise to cultivate a relationship with him.

He lived in a castle under the waves with his great sword, The Answerer, his horse that traveled on both sea and land and his telepathically guided boat. Manannan is often pictured holding a silver branch with three apples on it, regarded to be a very magical artifact. If you wish to have contacts between the Worlds, Manannan is your first stop.

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