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welcome to my page of expression

whats up all. this is my page. my page to say what i want when i want. so sit back and enjoy the words. if u dont like it, good for u. what u think dont mean jack to me. so just chill.

~@thoughts@~ ~need to do more well in school ~need a good girl in my life who can help me keep my head on my shoulders ~life is so hard, why does it have to be this way. i was really hoping that this new year would bring about a good or better life, but its only started out worse than it already was. why are there soo many downs in this life. so much pain, and missery in my first year of university, its not the easiest thing to handle. ive lost a will to do my best in school, i need something, or something that will change my ways. ~school sucks...failin like 2 courses out of 4... ack! and im so uninspired to do my work right now with all these things happening in my life... why.why..why... ~noo... why did this have to happen? out of all things that could go wrong, this has to go wrong... d@mn u! ~well, fuk, its a new school year with more problems. finding school very annoying. no motivation in my life. no optimism. when did i turn to pestimistic? damn this. get used to this view if u be messin with me
ppl say that having bad things happen to you are only there to make you become a stronger person later on in life. to help you become who you are, to be able to handle any obstacle that life throws along its way... but with all these obstacles that are being thrown at me, i think im going to fall and never get up...

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