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Shendra's Place

Shendra was sitting under a willow tree, staring at the bubbling stream in front of her. Her long black hair was kept back from her slightly tan face by a leather thong. Her grey eyes were flickering, though not with an emotion. A shadow of the past seemed to lie there, looking through this girl's eyes. Her tan arms, encircling her knees, had many scars, but the most prominent one was a pure white line, straight as an arrow, that ran from the inside of her wrist to her elbow. That, too, held inside it a rightful tale of it's own, and as Shendra ran her finger along it, she shivered as memories cam flooding back.

~Men, a sea of them, marching through her home, burning everything in the village, laughing as they killed the folk she had known from her childhood. The look in her mother's eyes, frantic with fear, and pain, as she lay dying outside their small hut.~ Run, Shendra, run before they get y- ~And then her mother had died on the streets like a rat. Burning with anger, Shendra had cast aside all sane thoughts, and picked up her father's sword, which still lay in his cold hands. She looked at both of them, then at the men going through the village again, drunk and staggering under the loads of valuables they had picked from burning rubbish. Hate hardened her heart and she walked slowly towards them, the heavy sword dangling from one hand. Ignoring the drunken men's jeers, she walked straight towards the leader, who was still somewhat sober. His look of surprise at her advancement was replaced quickly by one of astonishment as she heaved the sword up and slit his throat.~ That's for mom! ~She whispered as he fell to the ground. The men looked shocked, then rallied and came towards her, shouts of anger ringing in her ears.

She ran up the slope, towards the forest, as they followed close behind her. Reaching a swift-moving river, she crouched beside it, ready to make a stand. The men came on, slashing the air with their swords. She raised her right arm to protect her head, suddenly afraid, then rage boiled in her eyes and she lashed out with the sword in her left hand. The cold steel bit deep into the man's leg as he swung at her. His sword drank of her blood, slicing her arm from the wrist to the elbow. Screaming in rage and pain, she tumbled backwards into the river, the currents thrashing her around like a broken twig. That was 7 years ago, and she has been 10.~

She jolted out of her memories, and slowly got up and walked away. From that fateful day, when she came to at the bottom of the waterfall, the sword still in her white hand, till now, Shendra had wandered the woods, stealing for food, and staying away from humanity if at all possible. The clothes she wore now, fawn colored caprisish laced leggings and a white shirt, were stolen, along with the sword sheath that lay against her back. She still had that old sword, and had named it Menar, which meant Blood Drinker in an ancient language her mother used to study.

The tall woman walked out of the forest that was her refuge, towards the place where she had heard dragons nested, and you could Impress a hatchling. As she entered the true sunlight, she raised her arm to shield her face as she looked north, towards Cy Dragon Stake. She had taken chances, traveling from her home world of Rathen all the long way here, but for some reason it seemed a chance worth taking. There, her path in live might change, but she doubted that. Maybe she'd be accepted, but most likely not. She shrugged and walked on, towards her future.

One month later....

Shendra looked up into the crystal blue sky, her gray eyes searching for something, and then a rare smile slipped across her face as Riitenth swooped down and landed a bit clumsily on the grass. The dragon was green, but in a slightly different way. Her head was a pale creamy green, and intensified as it worked its way down her body, ending in a bright green on her tail. Her wings, which Riitenth was stretching lazily, were that shade of green. Shendra stroked the elegant neck and Riitenth crooned softly. *We are one, you and I* The mindvoice slipped inside her head, making her feel secure and comforted as always. Shednra nodded, then started walking towards the forest. Riitenth follwed, looking awkward on the ground. Shendra found a shady tree and leaned up againist it, closing her eyes as her hand automatically started rubbing her scar on her arm. Riitenth lay down besides her and with a small sigh, closed her eyes. Shendra fell asleep to the rhythamic breathing of her dragon and a small voice whispering in her mind, *We are one*

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