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My Cyber Photo Album

Welcome to my online photo album!I designed this all by myself,
and thats why it took a long time
for me to do. I did this so I can share
these funny moments with the world
(I know it sounds a bit creepy), and I hope you
enjoy it as much as I do. LMAO

" hspace="10" vspace="10" align="right"> My Very First Grad. Picture

Can you tell that I have no clue whats going on? From left to Right- In the far back is Candice. In the front-Shelby(me), Alex, and Stephanie. I remember that day I had almost completely tripped over from stepping on my long dress when I went to my table. :s

The Candid Picture

Everyone has to have a candid of their friends. Jordan(Bottom Right)just brought sandwiches for the girls who had no lunch (from Jessica's sleepover that night), and I had a sandwich. (yum~)Well, I took this of several friends- and after minutes of shouting to get them to look this way- only Meighan looked at me. Thanks alot Meighan.

The Candid Picture

I've spent 9 years with this girl and nothing has changed about her. She's hyper and funny, and still has accidents going to the toliet-lol-. I'll miss you Candicimo. This is Candice then(2001), and her now(2003)