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The Sons of Men, Heirs of the All-Father

Wrought by the hands of the All-Father, Humans claim to be His truest children, and the rightful rulers of the World. Through their long history, the Sons of Men have known nothing but strife and struggle. Humans are the most varied of the World's children, however, and their cleverness and adaptability ensure that Humans have survived and even thrived despite all adversity. Once the slaves of the great Elvish Empire, the Sons of Men threw off the yoke of their oppressors and have since built empires of their own. Inheritors of a world they barely understand, most other races consider the Humans the cause of the Turning, cursed with a hubris that far exceeds their wisdom. Strife remains a way of life among Men, and some believe the constant warfare that plagues their petty kingdoms will eventually lead to the destruction of our World. The truth or falsehood of these claims has never been determined, but even among Men the argument rages on.