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Delta Force Black Hawk Down

This is one of the latest games to join are list of first person shooters. It has only recently come out and we do not play it much at the moment because we favour medal of honor spearhead. But it is still a good game. There is a variety of weapons to choose from these include the CAR15 with a M203 grenade launcher able to be attached onto it (my favorite weapon), an M16 (a famous weapon), M203 grenade launcher which can b fixed onto the CAR 15 and the M16, M21 sniper rifle and the M249 SAW. These are just some of the weapons available.There are pistols and grenades available as well. there are 3 vechiles that can be used 4 combat these are the MH-60 "Black Hawk", the HMMWV "Humvee" and the AH-6 "Little Bird". There are mounted machine guns dotted around the map as well and also some grenade launchers. It is a team based game but you can go around on your own if you want to. The maps are big and there are many places to hide. You can not actually drive or fly the vechile but you can ride in them and use the weapons that are attached to them them. There are lots of buildings and rubble to use as cover and there are alley-ways all over the place. The explosions made when a bullet piearces thruogh a barrel of fuel is amazing and the sound effects are realilistic. There are five type of multiplayer games these are Deathmatch (where you just run around and kill anyone you see), Team deatmatch (where you run around as a team killing the other team), Capture the flag (where you have to capture the oppositions flag and return it to where your flag is kept), Team king of the hill (where you have to get to a point and then defend it from the opposition and who ever holds it for the longest wins), Search and Destroy (where you have to destroy specific targets in the oppositions territory) and last but not least Attack and Defend (which is similar to search and destroy but one team defends then at the end of the round the roles switch round so if you where defending you are now attacking and vice-versa).while in the game you can go into the armory and switch your weapons (this is only in multiplayer). All i can say is have fun and i hope you enjoy playing this game because i did.

Written by [SD]JimZ-uk