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Welcome to the Schmaugs Den Guild

Guild Information

Oh wow three in one left to right is 12strings, Daisy friend Val,Daisy and last but not least is Bagofspuds

Its our one and only nifferluv :)

Wow here's gott_kitti:)

MOJO playing LORD OF THE RINGS hehehehe :)

Welcome to our Guild !!!!!
Oh Wow our guild is really growing fast. I would like to welcome all our new members.:) As you can see I put up a picture of the mojo's so you could see how we look. If anyone else would like to post their pic on our webpage just e-mail it to me ok. ALso include anything you would like said about you in the picture. Keep it short ok. I thought it would be fun. My e-mail is

Congrats to all the winners of our last contest. It was a big one. Alos thanks to those that participated. :)

Making Neopoint Tips
  1. pick up free omelette on the Tyrannian Plateau
  2. pick up free jelly
  3. Visit the Tombola man on Mystery Island
  4. Play the fruit machine in the Lost Desert
  5. Count Potatoes at Meridell Acres 150nps
  6. Play Poogle Solitaire up to 650nps
  7. Play Sakhmet Solitaire up to 2500nps
  8. Play Pyramids up to 5000nps
  9. Play Scarab 21 up to 5000nps
  10. Pick up interest on bank before any transactions
  11. Visit Cotlzan's Shrine in the Lost Desert
  12. Empty you store till and restock items to sell
  13. Wake Turmaculus in Meridell
  14. Try to steal the Snowager's treasure at2pm nst to 3pm nst or 10pm nst to 11pm nst.

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