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Welcome pack members! This is TNLWP Official Web Page! I thought I’d make something special for the guild so this is it! I’ve had some help from my friends and family. Thanks for everything guys!

The History of The Northern Lights Wolf Pack
The whole reason I named the pack after The Northern Lights is from the actual thing itself. The Northern Lights can be found around Montana and all the upper states and country. Also the pack name came from a type of Dreamsickle called The Northern Lights. Any Dreamsickle that was from The Northern Lights collection is beautiful. I also just liked the name. The light’s part was from one of my old packs I was in called The Moon Light Wolf Pack. So I just added a few words to it and there you go! The Northern Lights Wolf Pack!


*Pearly white fur, with dark sapphire blue orbs, a snowy white diamond crescent found on her right upper leg, her fur shifting in the chilled breeze, her plume swaying in the wind’s movement, her silver tipped ears perked up in alert. Happiness filled throughout the aroma, she loves to hunt and fish. She enjoys meeting new wolves; she’s adventurous, yet cautious.*

Sleek, tawny fur rippling in the gentle breeze, Vionna stands alone in the forest. Her piercing golden orbs scan the terra for any sign of life, ever alert and cautious of her surroundings. Shadows of the trees above dance upon her face, silhouetting her distinct features as she pads silently onward. Her facial expression is etched in seriousness and interest as she takes in everything around her. Intuitive and quiet, she is often serious, but can be playful when she desires. She approaches everything with caution and uncertainty, one of the things she learned from her difficult childhood. She remains calm in the worst of situations, and puts great trust and loyalty in her friends and what she has left of her family. Vionna has no greater desire than to be loved.

Lost Moon

Her snowy white fur glimmers, a patch of silver hidden by her neck. Her ocean blue orbs shimmer off her white coat. Loneliness fills throughout her, for she was taken from her beloved family, when she was only a pup, being so young when she was taken she hasn’t a clue that she has a family.

A midnight black mascu, appeared in the shadows, very strong and hardly noticeable, with the except of his dark ocean blue orbs peering up into the beaming darkness, his plume sways lightly as he lets out an eerie howl to the moon, while sitting solitary and cheerless, wanting a companion*

NightMare Shadow

*An adolecent wolf, black and silver fur runs down his back, pearly snow white fur ran furthor down his back , his fur swifted and flowed in and with the breeze, a lightning bolt crescent was found on his right back upper leg, his head was up high, full of courage and strength. He throws his head back howling with the winds, his voice, soft and comforting, his plume tipped with a silver tint, shifting in the wind. He scans the terra for life like, yet an emptiness fills throughout his heart*

*Violet, a midnight black wolf pup, dark emerald orbs, white tipped paws, and a golden star crescent that alerts her when dangers around or when something’s wrong. She’s partly elemental and she’s also known as Lilly. Her fur changes when her crescent glows, small silver stripes run sideways down her back. Depending on her mood they sometimes don’t appear. She may be young but she has the ability to heal diminutive, she’s only a couple weeks old but can talk. Her family was killed by an elemental wolf enemy (of TNLWP) called Night Fowler. Her family is no where to be found. She had a brother but he’s vanished out of sight*

If your wolf wasn’t added on it’s probably because your not an active or high ranked wolf. If you give me a description or stats of your wolf then I might find time to add your wolf. Thanks again. -:-Sapphire-:-

Facts on Wolves
Imagine snow falling silently in the great woodlands of North America. The only sounds are from the trees creaking and tossing in the wind. Suddenly the quite is broken by the eerie howl of a wolf. And all the frightening stories and legends that you’ve heard about the treacherous sly wolf and the evil werewolf begins to race through your mind. But what is this animal of our imaginations truly like? Are wolves savage and destructive hunters of people and livestock? Or are they one of nature’s most misunderstood creatures? It is possible that people don’t like wolves because they don’t know very much about them. For example, there is no record of a healthy wolf ever trying to kill a human in North America. Perhaps by learning about the wolf and how it lives in the natural world, we can begin to tell the difference between the real animal and the fables we’ve created.
Taken from the excellent book called “Wolves” written by Seymour Simon.

~Breaking News~
August 6,2003 - Today's newz- We recently just added more shops to the mall. As soon as we get enough shops, we will get a neat button leading to a mall page, where it will show all the shops and links. All the shops will be orginized and catigorized. Neat huh? I've been trying to do everything in my power to make our pack the best! Thats including making as many websites as possible. Well lotz more work has to be done. I'll keep you posted on all the new breaking newz. This is LostMoon, over and out. ;)

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