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Kung Fu San Soo Quarterly

This periodical is exclusively for the promotion, betterment, and study of Kung Fu San Soo, or Tsoi Li Hoi Fut Hung. With this we plan to:


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« San Soo Q »

Masters,Black Belts, Students:

My name is Larry Harmon and I train in San Soo under Master David Simons of Plano, TX.
I have begun the pre-launch of a periodical called San Soo Q, Kung Fu San Soo Quarterly. Its scope is twofold.
Firstly, I would like to introduce the art of San Soo and the lineage of the Chin family to a lot more people, to show the world at large the integrity and honor under which the students of Grand Master Woo have perpetuated Kwan - Yin Kung Fu.
Secondly, with the aid and contributions of Masters, black belts, and students, to provide guidance and training, and the benefit of years of experience to those new to the art, or striving to improve themselves in it.
Columns offered include: "Wisdom from the Grand Master," Selected sayings and wisdom from Grand Master Woo that he spoke to his students. For example, from Master Simons, "Grand Master Woo always used to say, ‘Your form is your fighting technique’." And then elaborate on its application.
"Women of San Soo" which parallels and expands upon the website of the same name, giving a women’s perspective on this art.
"The Master Speaks" with featured articles and/or interviews by San Soo Masters geared toward non-San Soo people or toward higher-ranking fighters seeking to advance.
"Real World San Soo" with tales of real life applications of the art.
"Black Belt Corner" in which black belts discuss the road they have traveled and the obstacles they have overcome to earn their rank.
"Fighter Spotlight" featuring a new profile of different fighters each issue.
"Basic Eight" which breaks down the basic foot movements and shows how they apply to the basic 45 white belt techniques.
These would be regular columns each issue, along with the lineage, listings of schools, letters to the editor, current events, as well as featured articles. It will start out as an e-zine to build circulation but depending upon its success, would also eventually become a printed publication.

If you would consider contributing to this publication, and extending the offer to your fellow Masters,Black Belts, and students I would most appreciate it.
Proceeds that this venture may generate will support Master Gatewood’s Video Preservation Society, and possibly a trip to China for J.P. King, President of the International Kung Fu San Soo Association (see link below).

Thank you for your time,

Larry G. Harmon, II

Please send ideas or contributions to the email below.

Informative San Soo Sites

IKFSS Association
San Soo Journal
Kung Fu San Soo
Women of San Soo
