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Poems My Friends Wrote 

(the first one on here I just found)


Have you ever watched kids

On a merry-go-round?

Or listened to the rain

Slapping on the ground?

Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?

Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

You better slow down.

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

Do you run through each day

On the fly?

When you ask How are you?

Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done

Do you lie in your bed

With the next hundred chores

Running through your head?

You'd better slow down

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

Ever told your child,

We'll do it tomorrow?

And in your haste,

Not see his sorrow?

Ever lost touch,

Let a good friendship die

Cause you never had time

To call and say, "hi"

You'd better slow down.

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere

You miss half the fun of getting there.

When you worry and hurry through your day,

It is like an unopened gift....

Thrown away.

Life is not a race.

Do take it slower

Hear the music

Before the song is over.




Life is a bed of roses,

  Nice from a distance, painful up close. 

Get over it and move on.


                        -----Heidi Wollman






Verse 1:

He left me twelve messages today

Telling me, how much he misses me

And he's really sorry

But nothing erases this pain


I haven't answered the phone for days

I'm trying to ignore this pain

And he doesn't realize

We're over

And, baby, it's for good

Verse 2:

You left a message on my answering machine

Saying you'll always be there

And you can be there at a moment's notice

Because, baby, that's what friends are for


I haven't answered the phone for days

I'm trying to ignore this pain

And he doesn't realize

We're over

And, baby, it's for good

Verse 3:

I left you a message to say

The world ain't ending

All because she left

Because, baby, she ain't worth it

And I'm always here

And, boy, I can be there in a moment's notice

Chorus 2:

You haven't answered the phone for days

You're trying to ignore the pain

And she doesn't realize

What's she's missin' out on

Because, baby, you're the best

Verse 4:

I left a message on his machine today

Telling him we're through

And I never liked him, anyway

And I left her a message

Saying she don't know what she's missin'

And that someday we'll find someone

Just right for you

And we'll find someone

Just right for me

And in the meantime we'll call

And listen to the messages all day

And use each others shoulders to cry on


                 ------Heidi Wollman





I was once someone's best friend

But when push came to shove

They acted like they didn't know me

And when my wings broke

I was nothing but gum on the bottom of their shoes

But you found me in the alley

And overlooked my broken wings

You put the pieces of my heart together again

You made me smile

When I didn't remember how

And do you ever remember when

You healed my wings and let me fly

And you are my best friend


                        ------Heidi Wollman






They couldn't hear me

They choose not to see me

I cried alone

In the dark

Left to suffer alone

They thought I wasn't

Worth it

Maybe if I'd been

Someone else

Maybe if I tried harder

And fought through

The pain

But, they left me alone

Sitting in the dark

They didn't give a damn

And I couldn't help

But wonder

What would've happened,

If it been their daughters?

What would they have done?

Would they have let them,

Suffer through hell

Over and over,

Or would they have tried?

I can't bring myself to hate
Or to even be angry

There is an emptiness

Where my soul once was

Can they take back

The last three years

And all those tears

Can they remove

All the fears

Could they do that?

They can't do that

No one can

I sat there

Crying in the dark


                               ----Heidi Wollman





Fairytale Life

I used to listen the stories
About the princesses kept under lock and key
I wondered when my prince would come for me
Did I need someone to set me free?

Yeah right
Oh no
This ain't some fantasy
Welcome to reality

I don't take after Rupunzel
And I don't want to be like Cinderella
I'm not Snow White
And Sleeping Beauty ain't for me

I'm gonna set me free
My wings were meant for me
When it comes to someone else
Well, I don't need nobody else

I don't live some fairytale life
Right now, I live my life
Ain't for no prince to set my free
My dragons were meant for me

I don't take after Rupunzel
And I don't want to be like Cinderella
I'm not Snow White
And Sleeping Beauty ain't for me

It kept me up at night
Trying to decide what's right
About what kind of person I was going to be
I decide only my dreams could set me free

I don't take after Rupunzel
And I don't want to be like Cinderella
I'm not Snow White
And Sleeping Beauty ain't for me

I used to listen the stories
About the princesses kept under lock and key
I wondered when my prince would come for me
Did I need someone to set me free?

Yeah right
Oh no
This ain't some fantasy
Welcome to reality


                     ---- Heidi Wollman





Hands are big
Hands are small
Every hand is different
Every hand is the same
Each hand can help
Each hand can destroy
Hands spread knowledge
Hands can bring joy
We hold the future
In our hands


                  ----Heidi Wollman





All shapes and sizes
With blue or black ink
And those lightning ones
That write silver
With colored edges
The ones that write in glitter
Pink and Orange
Green and Purple
And the two blues
The one with green glitter 
In the bottom
That writes black
The orange alien
With yellow hair
The pink feathery one
With a little springy flower
The metallic ones
Of all colors of the rainbow
Pink, red, and yellow
Green, blue, and purple
All colors of inks
Cotton candy pink
Lipstick red
Sea green and lime green
Elephant gray
Midnight blues
Sky blue
Burgundy like the old van
My favorite, hot pink
Just the rainbow
In my pen pot


             -----Heidi Wollman





There is only one of me,
Like the phoenix

And like the phoenix,
I've been given the ability to be burnt by life and rise again

Soar upon my own wings
Alone, but never lonely

A want, a need
To protect others from my fate

And one day
May I fade into the mist and become known in my stories


                ----- Heidi Wollman