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Welcome to Duckys Neopets Shortcuts Page
I don't charge anything for this service,
but if you like it, a purchase from Rubber Ducky's Toy Shop would be appriciated.
This Page was Updated 7-28-2002

Daily Free Stuff!

The shrine
The Omelette
healing springs
at 6-7am, 2-3pm, and 10-11pm
then off to the
The Fruit Machine

Your Neofriends
Frequently used places...

Your Guild
this accually my guild
but you can edit this link
The Shop Wizard
Your Shop till
Your Shop
your items
Sales History

The Bank
Safe Deposit Box
Quick Stock
The News

Snow Quests
Kitchen Quests
Brain Tree
The Esophagor
The Witches Tower
Dark Farie Quests
employment angency At the 7th min?
Faerie Quests

Mystery Island Training School

Krack Island Training School

Ducky's Favorate Shops
Potion PalaceI highly recomend!
Card Shophas a few books too!
Negg Shop
Holiday Shoplook like he in between holidays...
Plushie Shop
Wispering Winds Toys, Petpets and More!
Neo Rest Home , Home for all things anchient
Codestones, Dubloons, Paint Brushes and Faeries
Furniture Shop
BookshopExpensive but extensive
The Biggest Shop in Haunted Woods
A Pet Pets Shop
Chocolate Shop
Plushie Shop
I am currently looking for the best shop of each type. Please neomail me if you think your shop is better than the one already there of your type. I look for clean, unclutter shops with the best prices and widest selection within their product group.

Duckys Fav. Games

Wheel of Excitment
Wheel of Mediority!
Scarab 21
potato Counter
Black Jack
Meerca Chase
NeverLand Matching
Guess the Marrow!
Treasure of the Black Pawkeet
Snow Wars
Poogle Solitare
Poogle Answer
The Crossword
The Crossword Help
Math's Nightmare!Ok....So I'm a nerd!
Plushie TycoonThis Game's Cool!

Every Shop in Neopia
please Neomail me if I Missed one!

The Faerie Hidden Tower!!

Pet Pet Shops

Farie Pet Pets
Desert Pet Pets
The Rock Pool
the main pet pet shop
Metel Space Pets
Spooky Pet Pets
Pirate Pet Pets
Tyranian Pet Pet


Farie Bookstore
Lost Desert Scrolls
"the" Bookshop

Toy Shops

Usiki Dolls
The Toy Shop

Other Shops

Ticki Tack Souvenears
Magic Shop
the Card Shop
Gardening Store
gift shop
The Apothecary
The Garage Sale
Ticket Booth Then off to the
Concert Hall
The Koisk (Scratch Cards)
The Pottery Shop
Food Shops

Farie Foods
Lost Desert Food
The Chocolate Factory
Neopian Fresh Foods
Tropical Food Shop
the bakery
huberts hot dogs
smoothie shop
health Food
Space Food
Slushie Shop
Snow Food
Tyrannian Food
Weapon Shops

Battle Magic
Defence Magic
space weapons
space Armour
Ice Crystals
Tyrannian Weaponry
Sakhmet Weaponry

Furniture Shops

Furniture Shop
Tyrannian Furniture
My Affiliates

I Just Added this Section. The rules are simple. You put a link to here on the page you want listed. I list the Page. This works retroactively as well. If you already have a link, Neomail me, I'll add you. You may also apear elsewhere in the guide as I deem usefull. If I get too many, I may take those who apear elsewhere off this list and put a ** or something else by their name.

I am also looking for anyone wishing to sell in bulk. Just Neomail me. Anyone wishing to be added to any section of the guide, Neomail me. Just keep in mind I am picky, so do not be offended if I say no.

You can visit my Webpage, We have plenty of animations, backgrounds, jokes, and stories.
Or, If you like Sailor Moon

User Info

To use this guide, go up to file, save as, and save it to your desktop. Then once online and signed into neopets, open it up and you're ready to go.

If you want your shop in this guide, know of a shop you think should be in the guide, or a anything you think should be added, Neomail me. I value your input. If you want a personalized version to use or distribute, neomail me. If you want to distribute this, please do! All you have to do is link this site in your shop and/or pet site. If you want the latest version, click here and resave to your desktop. Please do not distribute a changed version of this page without my prior consent. If you want to do it for your own use, go for it! The only thing I ask is that you leave the counter, the link to my shop and the list below on the page. You are not expected to keep updating this list, but it insures that there is a link to the original neoguide on yours. Also neomail me so I can add yours to the list.

These are modifyed Neoguides that I have made for various people and that others have made. If you have made one, please neomail me so I can put you on the list.

The Original This is the first and ussually only one to get updated.
BBTWThis one is still under construction. I'm building it for the members of Blessed be thy Way. Hopefully Random Acts will like it.
ThistlecloudHe did his own version of the guide. Added a few more links, went black back ground....
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