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SquareSoft released Chrono Cross the antispated sequel to Chrono Trigger. Thoughout the two disc, you journey though two worlds, fighting ememies, friends,family, dragons, and fate.

Begin the game with your main character, Serge, Kid and a third random character. You enter a some sort of a castle which teleports you to a balacony. Just before you open the gates, experience an FMV, and wake up. What that was a dream...hmm looks like this is going to be a different, unqiue, and special rpg. Oh boy that was sure a way to desribe this game, SquareSoft has done it again, they just keep on getting better. You play as Serge as he tries to set things right in two worlds where things have gone terribly wrong. Consider to be one of the best rpg for playstation system.

Beautiful graphic and almost watercolor-drawn background make this a pleasant treat to the eyes. 3D sprite character that comes to life in full smooth motion animation during battles. The Summon animation look great too. The spells look great and they way one would imagine them to be. Chrono Cross is pushing the psx console and getting every drop to ensure this will be a great experience. The character are highely detailed, different and unique in their own way. This show the depth of character detailing the game has gone though.

Some of best music i have ever heard. I was spellbound by the intro music. There are also memoriable music thoughout the game. Chrono Cross presented me with music that i will always remember. Thoughout the music is essential and set the mood perfectly. There are point where the tempo is fast to bring adrenline into the player. Some part of the game it almost feels like you are in on of those opera show. Very accurately protrayed show and bring the music to one's ear.

SquareSoft developed a very complex, interesting yet sometimes confusing story. Nevertheless the story will hook you and will not let you do until you have fully digested the game. The battle system was develped to bring to an unique gameplay. Gone are the standard ATB, otherwise known as active time battles. Instead you have a gameplay that introduces elements, starmina, and much more stradgey. Starmina are used to decide how long one can do command or attach duing his or her turn. Elements are in another word magic in the world of Chrono Cross. In addition the amound of starmina also decides how many elements on can use. The elements are placed on a grid. Depending on the placement on the grid, the strength, availablity, and range are decided. Also certain elements can only be placed in the same type of innate. A red innate elements can only be used by a red innate character.

Lots of replay value are packed in this game as one tries to get all 40 characters as well as the 9 different endings. Plenty of playing as the average playing time falls between 30-40 hrs. This game will surely get people hook and give one heck of experience. With well done graphics, sound, music. Sometimes confusing yet very addicting game leads this to be one of my favorite rpg game. Congradulation to SquareSoft on well done.
~Signing of is Yashin


STORY: 9.5