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Custom Parts

Custom Parts

Bolt Strike- This modification allows the Mizuno Saix to charge its fangs and claws with electrity and Slash into an opponent. The shock is very intense and can cause a stall.

Mizu Sheild- This is what gives the Saix its name. The sheild is a dark blue, looking like an ocean, via Mizu (water). It has the strength of a Slash Liger sheild, but still exposes the Saix's rear.

Ion boosters- These two boosters equip to the pegs on the back of the Lightning Beam Cannons. They increase speed by 40 km/h, and are able to pivot 360 degrees around, as well as up and down a little. This gives the Saix much better manuverability. It also strengthens the leg joints.

Multi Sensors- As same as the ones found on the Shadow Fox.

Plasma vulcan- A vulcan that can also be equipped to to both of the pegs on top of the Lightning Beam cannons. However, it cannot be used with the Ion boosters. This 80mm vulcan shoots beams of plasma out of the barrels, but cannot shoot too much in one turn. That is, unless you'd like your barrels melted off.